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there are lots of edible fowers, nasturtium fowers, chive flowers, rose petals and of course cauli-flowers ! if you need any more I'll draw you up a list ok

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Q: Are there any flowers that are edible besides dandelion leaves?
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Can you make dandelion leaves and dandelion flowers into wine?

You are unable to make dandelion leaves and dandelion flowers into wine. This is because wine is made with fermented grapes.

Are dandilions edible?

if you boil them, yes- and dandelion leaves can be used in salad. I wouldn't eat it otherwise.

What parts of dandelion plant are used for food?

Flowers ,leaves

Are primroses edible?

Yes, the flowers and leaves of the primrose are actually edible.

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dandelion leaves

What part of a dandelion do rabbits eats?

All parts of the dandelion are edible. Uncooked leaves can be used in a salad. Some recommend the leaves be boiled for 5 minutes. The roots are edible, boil for 20/30 minutes or roast and grind into 'coffee'. Use the leaves in spring and the root in autumn. The flowers can be eaten, best when young or as buds. Dandelion wine is popular. In conclusion, beware of any plant that may have been sprayed with weed killer or an insecticide

What colors to make dandilion?

Dandelion flowers are a bright yellow colour with a hint of orange to it. Dandelion stems are a pale brownish colour with a hint of green. Dandelion leaves are a deep green colour with a hint of blue to them.

Is pansy flower a herb?

No, it is an annual bedding flower. However, it's FLOWERS (not the leaves) are edible.

Which leaves are edible?

mint, malva, dandelion, bee balm, parsley, catnip, plantain are all edible. the book "edible wid plants" by lee Allen Peterson is a great resource. do your research before trying any plant part.

Are arugula flowers edible?

Eruca sativa, commonly known as arugula, rocket, roquette and many other names, is completely edible - stems, leaves and flowers. It is a salad vegetable native to the Mediterrean region.

What does coltsfoot leaves look like?

Coltsfoot leaves resemble, well, a colt's foot. The size of the plant and the color of its flowers are both similar to a dandelion. The best factor I know of identifying coltsfoot is that, unlike dandelions, the flowers appear long before the leaves.

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