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The Pilea Repens or Black-leaf Panamiga, a native of the West Indies, is a small plant that has nearly black foliage. Other plants that have leaves with dark black, maroon, or deep blue colored foliage include the Burgundy Hearts Redbud, the Diablo Ninebark, the Black Beauty Sambucus, the Voodoo Sedum, the Black Beauty Coral Bells, and the Black Scallop Ajuga.

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Q: Are there any flowers with naturally black petals?
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Do any flowers have 13 petals?

The Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), found throughout North America. The flower's domed center, which is dark purplish brown in color is (often, but not always) encircled by thirteen petals.

Do plants have any other parts other than petals pistil sepals stamens.are there any flowers in which the the petals and sepals look similar. is the number of sepals different from those of petals?


Is there any black flowers?

They are rather rare and do not exist naturally. One plant is a strain of pansies which have been genetically bred (from a genetic mutation) to produce entirely black petaled flowers. These are the FL350 Black Pansies, where FL350 is the strain number. There are other flowers with spots or edges of the petals which are black, and others which have a very deep purple color that may be mistaken as black, but as far as I know, the FL350 strain is the only commercially available pure black flower that currently exists.

Does any hibiscus flowers have 4 petals?

I have a yellow hibiscus that produces four-pedalled flowers on one side of the plant on various stems!

Do all flowers have the same part?

A complete flower will have petals, stamens, a pistil, and sepals. Some flowers may be missing any or several parts.

Are there any flowers that are edible besides dandelion leaves?

there are lots of edible fowers, nasturtium fowers, chive flowers, rose petals and of course cauli-flowers ! if you need any more I'll draw you up a list ok

How do you preserve a corsage?

hang flowers upside down in a warm dry space and they will air dry, a spray of hairspray will prevent any petals falling

What is a rangoli made of?

Rangoli can be made of any one of a variety of things. These include: coloured powders, flowers/flower petals, fabric or (more recently) plastic.

How do flowers change colors?

they use water color so as the plants drink and the water color will follow and the petals with give any color as we put the water color

How do you dry fresh flowers?

The easiest way is just to dry the individual petals, rather than entire flowers, since a) petals tend to drop from the flower heads during the drying process, b) large whole flowers take longer to dry, which gives mould an opportunity to grow. This method works best on flowers with relatively large petals, such as roses. To dry individual petals, pick the flowers. Carefully remove each petal, wash (to remove any lingering bugs) and dry gently and thoroughly with kitchen towel. Place each petal on a plate or oven try, and cover with a breathable net to prevent dust/bugs landing on the petals. (The kind of net people use to cover food; it must be breathable, otherwise the petals won't dry. This is why clingfilm doesn't work.) Leave the petals to dry for about a week to ten days. For lavender flowers, pick the entire stems and place them in a vase without water. They should be dried in a week. If you really want to dry flowers' whole, try the same method as for the lavender. Alternatively, you may find that drying the flowers upside down (tie stems together and hang from a doorhandle etc...) reduces the number of petals dropping. Also, bear in mind that if you wish to dry an entire flower, it should be a newly opened flower, rather than one which is about to "go over" - this aids the quality of the dried flower and again prevents petal droppage.

How do you dry rose petals?

To dry a bunch of roses with the petals still on the flowers, choose roses that aren't quite fully opened. Cut off any leaves or side stems, then bundle the stems using a rubber band. Hang the roses upside down in a dry, dark place such as a closet for a few weeks until they're completely dry, then remove the petals from the roses. To enjoy the roses while the petals are drying, put the roses in a vase in a dry area, such as near a fan. Let the roses dry naturally, then remove the petals. To press the rose petals, choose roses that are in full bloom. Gently pluck the petals from the roses. Open the heavy book to the middle and place two paper towels inside. Spread out the rose petals on the paper towels, then cover them with two more paper towels. Close the book and place another heavy book or weight on top. Check the rose petals every week until they're dry, then remove them from the book. To dry rose petals quickly, choose roses that are in full bloom. Gently pluck the petals from the roses. Place the petals on a paper towel and microwave them for about 1 minute. Check to see if the petals are dry. If not, microwave them a little longer and check them again. To dry rose petals in the refrigerator, remove the petals and put them between two sheets of paper towels, or leave the petals on the flowers and cut the stems just below the blossoms. Place the roses in the refrigerator until the petals are dry. This method works especially well for preserving en entire rose corsage with baby's breath and ferns.

Do any flowers have odd number of pedals?

Monocots usually have three petals, but they are usually in multiples of three and add up to the even number of six. Dicots, though, have petal numbers of five or six, so you can see a dicot flower with five petals, which is always odd.