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Purr Pals, for the Nintendo DS

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Q: Are there any games where you can make your own cat?
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Are there any games where you can make your own cat then take care it but not

yes: sims2 pets, as well as Catz.

How do you brush a cat's teeth?

buy a special cat brush and toothpaste, hold your cat tight and brush like you brush your own teeth, make sure the cat doesn't swallow any toothpaste :)

Is there any way to make your own cheats for video games?

quite simply, no

How do you make a cat rescue center?

You can make a cat rescue center of your own, or even start a pet shelter.

How do you make your neighbors cat come?

It's pretty hard to make any cat do much of anything. Getting your own cat to come when called would be a big enough achievement. Don't expect your neighbor's cat to pay any attention to you at all. It's just as well, because your neighbor might not appreciate your confusing the matter if he or she is trying to get the cat to respond to a call.

Can you make your own gym on Pokemon pearl?

after you beat the viridian gym talk to him again and he'll leave and voila!! you get ur own gym

Are their any games where you make your own family then play in a world for free with no download?

yea a game called ourworld :)

Did Peter Jackson own any pets?

Yes he owns a cat

How should a 5 month old cat act?

it can act any way. each cat has its own personality.

Is there a cat game but not warrior cats?

As far as I know, there is NOT any games of Warrior Cats other than on the official real website. I am not sure, but I don't believe anyone else is allowed to make games on other author's books. So, I highly doubt it.

Do you own your cat or does your cat own you?

Well really you own you cat although your cat may seem to want everything so you think it own you.

Does Sir Terry Pratchett own any pets?

A cat named Izzie