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Many. BB guns, pellet guns, airsoft guns, etc.

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Q: Are there any guns that don't use gunpowder or explosive material?
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Related questions

How do guns get powerd?

By a chemical explosive known as gunpowder.

Why was gunpowder given it's name?

It's an explosive powder used in guns, cannons, and rifles. Hence the name gunpowder.

What are some dangerous things that are made out of gunpowder?

i dont know .......guns

What did gunpowder do?

Gunpowder was used in many things such as civil war and modern guns and was also used in ancient china for many celebrations such as new years. gun powder is an explosive powder made of carbon, saltpeter, and sulphur.

Is Gunpowder still used to make guns?

Gunpowder NEVER WAS used to make guns.

Was gunpowder the first known chemical explosive to china?

Gunpowder was first invented in China no later than about A.D. 850. For hundreds of years, it was used mainly to create fireworks. The Chinese did not use gunpowder as a weapon of war; it was the Europeans who first adapted explosives for use in weapons. By the fourteenth century, Europeans were widely using the explosive as a military device to project stones, spearlike projectiles, and metal balls from cannons and guns.

What can gunpowder be used for?

gunpowder can be used for guns and fireworks

What did Europeans invent?

Gunpowder for guns

Is there a gun that is not powered by gunpowder?

Sure. Air guns don't use gunpowder.

Do people still use gunpowder in fireworks?

Gunpowder is the explosive component that propels the "bullet" from the gun. The answer is, yes gunpowder is still as important to the operation of a gun as gasoline is to the operation of a car. Just like gasoline for cars, gunpowder has changed and gotten better at what it does over the past century (or centuries), so the gunpowder used in modern guns is not the same exactly as the gunpowder used , for example, in the civil war, but it is still gunpowder and it is still necessary to operate a gun.

What is everything that uses gunpowder?

everything that is made out of gunpowder is guns as usuall and stuff like that

What kind of weapons use gunpowder?
