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in my view no there are no moral frameworks , for some people its the only decision left that they have capability and responsibility for . It comes down to the crucial question do you want to end your life or just want the pain to stop and ending your life is the only way you can see to acheive that

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Q: Are there any moral frameworks that address suicide beyond the simplistic injunction not to do it?
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You can't be charged with committing suicide. You are dead. While still technically a crime in many places, the act of ATTEMPTING suicide usually results in being placed into psychiatric care, not criminal charges. *Note that this answer doesn't attempt to address the far more complex issue of the criminal repercussions of assisting a third party in committing suicide.

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Cleopatra's suicide note has not been preserved or recorded in historical texts. It is believed that she may have expressed her wish to be buried alongside her lover, Mark Antony, in her final moments.

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Suicide rates have generally been increasing in many countries over the past few decades. However, it is important to note that suicide rates can vary greatly depending on factors such as demographics, socioeconomic conditions, and access to mental health resources. It is essential to address the underlying reasons for suicide and provide timely support and interventions to prevent further tragedies.

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They addressed the war crimes perpetrated by Nazi officials. Unfortunately, the main parties were not tried having already committed suicide.

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Loneliness can contribute to feelings of isolation, hopelessness, and despair, which can be risk factors for suicide. However, suicide is a complex issue with multiple factors involved, including mental health disorders, life stressors, and a lack of social support. It is important to address and support individuals experiencing loneliness, but it is not the sole cause of suicide.

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No. Suicide is 100% the decision of the suicide victim.

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What is the song that goes suicide suicide suicide suicide it's not beautiful girls?

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