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Yes there are side effects of taking adderal and working out. 1. The loss of weight. 2. The unwilliness to be motivated to do the same things you did when not taking the drug. *Notice* I hope that clears what the person had to say.

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Well man I sorta have the same question, but if you take Adderall it's almost a's if your taking creatine, NO2, caffeine, and anything else. So it doesn't seem like a good impact on your heart to mix them, but you can mix supplemts like USPlabs prime and USPlabs powerful because they don't speed your heart up. The reason it would be bad to speed your heart with supplements is because the adderall already increases it, and if you take creatine then you will be overflowing with energy that would be bad, and NO2 would make your blood vessels open up causing way to much bloodflow to your brain

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Q: Are there any side effects of taking Adderall and working out?
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