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i really dont know cause im searching for that

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Q: Are there any websites for girls only like 9 to email?
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What are Good websites for girls 16 and up? its like facebook except only girls

What are some girls only websites?

cause boys don,t go to girls websites

Should you sign up for things with a different email?

I would have one email for personal things, like talking to friends and family, and another email to be used ONLY for signing up for websites and other things. That way, the websites can't access your personal information. Make sure that your impersonal email doesn't contain anything that can "give you away" like your name, phone number, address, friends, likes, dislikes, ext.

What websites let you make an email?

Yahoo, Aol, Hotmail, these are the only trust worthy to me.

How do you get message from other websites on stardoll?

Umm.... you don't- stardoll is only connected WITH stardoll- it's not like an Email. you get messages from stardoll friends and stardoll admin- that's it. -Kiki7324

Fun websites for 5 year old girls?

There is a large variety of websites that are fun and suitable for five-year-old girls - however I can only name a few:- (See related Links)

How do you improve the way girls like you?

Girls can only like you the way YOU like yourself. They only see what you portray. So the only thing they can like is what you portray of yourself.

What are the names of websites that you can have an email account on? microsoft exchange (companies only)

What are good websites for kids under 13?

1. Kidzworld.com2. Fbfkids.com3. Clubpenguin.com4. (Only for girls)5. kidscom.com6. (only for teens)7. (boys & girls)8. & up)9. & up)10. & Boys)11. &Boys)I can't think of anymore websites:)

What do teenage girls like in boys height age or personality girls only?

Girls worth liking will like our personality.

Do girls only like Justin Bieber for his looks?

some girls do some don't like him

Are you gay you like girls?

Only if you are a girl.