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Q: Are there any well known living creatures without a brain?
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Their neural pathways begin to form blood clots when their epidermis becomes exposed to ultra violate radiation. A blood clot in the brain is otherwise known as an aneurysm and while this will not kill a vampire, it is reported as being very uncomfortable. A: they will turn them to ashes. The vampires are creatures of the night, and the sun is extremely dangerous to them, because as nocturnal monsters, the sunlight that makes vitamin D in normal people kills the hellish living dead creatures that live on the blood of living humans.

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Animal without a brain?

Portuguese man-o'-war, also known as the bluebottle, it has no brain and no heart and it cannot see.

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Inflammation of the meninges and the brain is known as Encephalitis.

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No. It has no known function in living cells, and can cause bone disorders and brain damage in high concentrations; some people are also allergic to it.