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Q: Are there birds that hunt tigers and can pick them up?
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Do tigers eat birds?

Vultures eat decomposing tigers, but I don't know of any living birds that can kill and pick up a tiger.

How do birds pick up things?

Birds can pick up things with their beaks and claws.

Why people hunt birds?

Well some people hunt birds because they are tasty. Some people hunt birds because it has been passed on through generations. And some people hunt birds because they don't want to mess up the food chain.

Do sumatran tigers hunt in packs?

Sumartra tigers will often hunt alone not in a pack or pride, they can cover up to 20 miles of hunting ground at night.

Do humming birds pick up their dead?

yes they do.

How do you pick up speed on Angry Birds?

You can only do that with yellow birds by tapping the screen.

Why do people hunt anteaters?

Well some people hunt birds because they are tasty. Some people hunt birds because it has been passed on through generations. And some people hunt birds because they don't want to mess up the food chain.

What do mother birds do with poop from baby birds in nest?

they pick it up in their beaks and throw it out! yuk!

Does white tigers have sharp paws?

to hep it hunt it's prey and to tear it up

What are all birds able to do?

pick up their food with their beaks

How did tigers catch food?

How do tigers catch food? They hunt, like most animals. Tigers can run very fast, up to 50mph. Unfortunately, only 1 out of 10 of their hunts are successful. Tigers mainly hunt at night, and their vision is six times better than humans.

How do you use pick up on in a sentence?

You can use "pick up on" in a sentence to mean to notice or become aware of something. For example, "She was quick to pick up on his subtle hints during the conversation."