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My son is 3 years old with full trisomy 18. I have some videos on YouTube that I've put together with lots of trisomy families I've found on facebook. My awareness video is of over 100 surviving kids of trisomy 13 and 18. Just go to youtube and search 'trisomy awareness' or trisomy advocacy' and you'll find them. There is also a website called '' that has stories of over 100 trisomy 13 kids on it. I, also, personally know of two kids with trisomy 8. So, yes, there are cases of kids surviving trisomies other than trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). :)

Alisha Hauber

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Q: Are there cases of trisomy besides down syndrome that can survive?
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What chromosomes is the code for down syndrome located on?

== == Down syndrome, also known as "Trisomy 21," is not caused by a single particular gene or DNA sequence. Rather, Trisomy 21 is caused by the presence of an "extra" chromosome 21 in the set inherited by a Down syndrome patient. The normal chromosome number is 46 (consisting of 2 sex chromosomes, XX or XY, and 44 non-sex chromosomes); Trisomy 21 patients thus have 47 and are denoted as 47, t21.

Are cases of trisomy passed on to the next generation?

Most cases of trisomy are not passed on from one generation to the next. Usually they result from a malfunction in the cell division (mitosis) that occurs after conception.

What common condition is caused by the presence of three copies of chromosome 21?

Most cases of Down syndrome result from trisomy 21, which means each cell in the body has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the usual two copies. The extra genetic material disrupts the normal course of development, causing the characteristic features of Down syndrome.Hope this helps.

Is trisomy 21 downs common?

== == Trisomy 21 is more of a chromosome abnormality/birth defect than a disease. It is also called Down syndrome. You cannot "catch" it; it is not infectious. According to statistics, women over 35 have a higher chance of bearing a baby with Trisomy 21 than do younger women. The theory is that, as we age, our chromosomes become "sticky" during the process of division. The amount of the chromosome that breaks off determines how functional or affected the offspring will be. Although I have a bachelor's degree in genetics, you may want to get a more in-depth answer from a doctor or a genetic counselor.

How does the inheritance of chromosome 21 lead to Down Syndrome?

Down Syndrome is AKA Trisomy 21. there are 3 autosomes on the 23 chromosome. it isn't x linked, but is randomly mutated and in some cases autosomal.

Why is monosomy worse than trisomy?

Monosomy occurs when one chromosome is absent from the normal diploid number. This is referred to as aneuploidy which is the loss or gain of a chromosome during meiosis.An example of monosomy is Turner Syndrome. One of the sex chromosomes is missing. In an unaffected female there are 2 'X' chromosomes. But in Turner Syndrome there is one sex chromosome missing.Trisomy occurs when there is three copies of a chromosome instead of the normal diploid number. This is also referred to as aneuploidy because there was an extra chromosome added hence, an abnormal amount of chromosomes.An example of trisomy is in Trisomy 21(Downs Syndrome) in which chromosome 21 has an extra chromosome.

What often happens to a fetus with Patau Syndrome?

In many cases, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage ) occurs and the fetus does not survive to term. In other cases, the affected individual is stillborn.

What is the least-common trisomy?

Trisomy 13 Trisomy 13, or Patau�s syndrome is the least common of the live-born trisomy disorders, with an incidence of 1 in 5000 to 1 in 2,000 live births, with affected males equal to affected females. 75% of trisomy 13 cases are due to maternal NDJ, 20% are due to a translocation, and 5% are due to mosaicism. The major midline dysmorphic features of trisomy 13 are due to a defect in the fusion of the midline prechordial mesoderm in the first three weeks of gestation. Trisomy 13 tends to present with more severe craniofacial and midline defects than are found in Trisomy 18 or 21. Trisomy 13 has the following clinical features: # Holoporsencephaly # Polydactly # Seizures # Deafness # Microcephaly # Midline Cleft lip # Midline Cleft palate # Abnormal ears # Sloping forehead # Omphalocele # Cardiac and renal anomalies # Mental retardation. Trisomy 13 is also confirmed by karyotype with FISH analysis. 44% of these patients die within 1 month, and > 70% die within one year. Severe mental retardation exists in all survivors as per (

Does a nondisjunction cause down syndrome?

During meiosis, chromosomes are separated equally. When they are not separated equally - this is known as non-disjunction - the gametes end up with either an extra chromatid or no chromatid. In Down syndrome the offspring carries an extra chromatid in Chromosome 21, aka Trisomy 21.

What are two major causes responsible for Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is the most common genetic cause of ID (intellectual disability). Down syndrome is caused by trisomy for chromosome specifically, duplication of 21q22.95% of cases result from nondisjunction and resultant standard trisomy 21.The remaining 5% are relatively evenly split between robertsonian translocation, of which 14;21 translocation is most common and about half are familial.note :robertsonian translocation is a common form of chromosomal rearrangement that in humans occurs in the five acrocentric chromosome pairs, namely 13, 14, 15, 21, and 22.

What causes Patau syndrome and how does it differ from Down syndrome?

Patau syndrome is a very rare syndrome caused by a problem in the chromosomes, the structures in the body's cells that contain DNA. The specific chromosomal problem in Patau syndrome is that the cells have three copies of chromosome 13, as opposed to the usual two copies in most people. Because there are three copies of chromosome 13, the condition is also called trisomy 13. The cause of Patau syndrome is similar to Down syndrome. Like Patau syndrome, Down syndrome is caused by having an extra copy of a certain chromosome. Individuals with Down syndrome usually have an extra copy of chromosome 21. Thus, Down syndrome is commonly called trisomy 21. Perhaps not surprisingly, the cause of the trisomy in both Patau and Down syndromes is similar. A phenomenon called nondisjunction is responsible for most cases of trisomy 13 and 21. Nondisjunction is an error that can occur during cell division (specifically the cell division process called meiosis). Rather than splitting evenly, cells that have undergone nondisjunction typically split unevently into two cells; one cell receives one extra copy of a chromosome, while the other is deficient in the chromosome. A major risk factor for nondisjunction is advanced maternal age. The chance of nondisjunction increases significantly once mothers are 35 years old and greater. As you'd expect, the risk of Patau and Down syndromes increases considerably with advanced maternal age. To view photos of children Living with Trisomy 13 - Patau Syndrome

How is Patau Syndrome treated?

NO, there is not a cure for Patau Syndrome. However, in some cases of Patau Syndrome - Trisomy 13, you can use medical intervention to treat the specific medical abnormalities that come with this genetic proflie. I have a child who is living with Patau Syndrome and now 8 yrs old. There is not a cure, but there are children who are living (80 + survivor stories) and doing rather well. You will also read many Treasured Memory stories where the families tell of the precious and brief time in some cases these families had with their children. Each child, although they have the extra 13th chromosome, present the anomalies in a unique manner. The babies and children should be treated on a case by case basis. If you want to know more about Patau Syndrome and the families who know this journey. Go to Living with Trisomy 13 You will find a wealth of family stories, family support resources Blessings, ThereseAnn, mom to Natalia full trisomy 13.