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Yes, to some degree. For those who go for Chiropractic treatment I find it amazing that the soles of the feet are not the first thing the Chiropractor looks at. The soles of the feet will show pressure points by soft to hard callouses and this will give the Chiropractic or reflexologist a good base as to where the problem starts. You can also find out if you have gout (swollen sore toe, the whole foot) and also Arthritis (sore spots on the bottom of the foot and also the toes in particular.) Toes or the foot which has a blue tinge can mean poor blood circulation and swollen feet can tell you if you have toxemia (which can be an indication of heart problems, but, pregnant women can suffer from this.) It's an accumulation of water.

It must be remembered that a relexologist is not medically trained or regulated, so if you have a foot health problem a Chiropodist/Podiatrist should be your first port of call.

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Q: Are there certain points on your foot that can predict your health?
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