

Are there different breeds of goldfish?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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yes there is

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Q: Are there different breeds of goldfish?
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What are the different breeds of goldfish?

There are 20 or so different varieties of goldfish. Currently, there are about 200 breeds of goldfish recognized in China.CommonJikinBubble eyeCometFantailWakinLionheadOrandaCurled-gillNymphPearlscalePompomEggfishRanchuRyukinShubunkinTelescopeTosakinVeiltailCelestial eyeThere are several other crossbreeds my personal favorite is the calico.

What are some of the breeds of goldfish?

Some common breeds of goldfish are: the Black Moor goldfish, the Ryunkin goldfish, the comet goldfish, the common goldfish, the Calico Fantail goldfish, the telescope eye goldfish, the bubble eye goldfish, the pearl scale goldfish and the Oranda goldfish.

What are some basic breeds of goldfish?

there are three basic breeds: fantail goldfish, comet goldfish, and common goldfish. if you are getting goldfish for the first time, i would recommend common goldfish as they need the least care.

What is the common name of goldfish?

Goldfish is the common name for a freshwater fish.You have several different types of goldfish two examples:Commons. and Shubunkins plus plenty is a picture of different breeds of goldfish.

You have two kio and one goldfish should you get another goldfish?

I have 8 goldfish and I believe you should not have a mix of those two fish breeds because they like different water temps., food, and other things. I believe you shouldn't get another goldfish.

How many breeds of goldfish is there?

i think 12

What are 10 different breeds of fish?

Trout, Common goldfish, shubunkin, comet, pike, shark, clownfish, jellyfish! There are loads!

What are the different kinds of goldfish?

Cross-breeding can produce nice fry, but in many cases unless you are a breeder, the majority of the fry may not survive due to the amount of cross-breeding that has occurred already to get many of the breeds we see these days.

What kind of goldfish should you get for your fantail goldfish?

Fantail goldfish are a hardy breed, strong swimmers and they compete well for food with the ryukin, shubunkin, comet or common goldfish; making these goldfish breeds good tank mates for your fantail goldfish.

Should goldfish be kept with other fish?

depends on the kind of fish ;; the fish kept with your goldfish shouldn't not be likely to eat goldfish ;; you can keep female beta fish with other fish just not males becuase they are preditorial

What are the difrient breeds?

Different breeds of what?

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Yes, there's lots of different breeds.