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Some of the best resources are out there about cholesterol these days. One great place to find a list of foods that will lower your cholesterol is at your public library. Another very easily accessable place would be on television. The local news,world news,health care based programming,and even commercials provide excellent information that could prove useful to anyone.

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12y ago

Yes there sure is. Livestrong has an excellent list available. There is also many other sights such as associated content, buzzo, ehow, and heartdisease.

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Using oils that are high in monounsaturated fats like olive oil can improve HDL. Foods high in water soluble fiber like oats and legumes can lower LDL while raising HDL.

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Q: Are there foods that I can eat to raise my HDL cholesterol?
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What are foods that I can eat to increase my HDL cholesterol level?

There are many foods that raises HDL cholesterol in the body. Foods such as berries, eggs, kale juice, cocoa, and cranberry juice are reported to help raise HDL cholesterol.

What foods that would raise your hdi cholesterol?

There are several foods you can eat to raise your HDL cholesterol. A few of these include berries, onions, eggs and anything with omega-3s. Try introducing these into your diet and contact a physician with concerns about your cholesterol.

What foods can lower my HDL cholesterol levels?

If you are really wondering what type and kinds of food that can lower your HDL cholesterol levels because your cholesterol is elevated, then I suggest you eat grapes.

What foods can help raise hdl cholesterol?

There are a few good and healthy foods that can aid in raising your HDL cholesterol level. Some of these foods include eggs, berries, cocoa, kale, and cranberry juice. Regular exercise and fast walking also help.

What can patients do to change the levels of LDL and HDL in their blood?

If you want more HDL or LDL, eat more high-cholesterol foods and don't exercise. If you want less, then eat foods with less cholesterol and exercise. You may also take a statin drug to help lower your LDL. HDL = good cholesterol, by the way.

What are Some of the Foods That Can Help Raise HDL?

What is HDL and why is it important?High-density lipoprotein or HDL is also known as the good cholesterol. HDL helps prevent plaque from building up in the arteries. A healthy HDL level is above 40 mg/ dl for men and above 50 mg/dl for women. However, health experts have stated that the greatest health benefits are reaped when a person's HDL is above 60 mg/dl.Are there are any health risks associated with low HDL?People who have low HDL are at an increased risk for developing heart disease. Heart disease can lead to a heart attack and/or stroke. Additionally, low HDL is even more dangerous for people who have other health conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.What causes low HDL?There are a number of factors that can raise a person's risk of developing low HDL. Some of those factors include obesity, diabetes and certain medications. Low HDL also has a tendency to run in families.What are some of the foods that can raise HDL?There have been studies done to suggest that certain foods can help raise HDL. One of those foods is fish. Herring, sardines and salmon are the best type of fish to eat to raise HDL. Those who do not like fish should consider taking a fish oil supplement. Fish oil supplements are just as effective.People who eat cranberries daily can increase their HDL by up to 10 percent. Additionally, cranberries also help lower LDL, which is known as the bad cholesterol. Shrimp has been shown to raise HDL by up to 12 percent. Avocados are perhaps one of the greatest foods to eat if one is trying to raise his HDL level. There was a study done that showed that avocados can raise HDL by up to 11 percent in just seven days. They also contain oleic acid, which helps lower LDL..

Is there any food to lower cholesterol?

There are foods that can lower cholesterol. These foods include high fiber foods such as oatmeal or bran, fish, nuts, and olive oil. By cutting back on food that is high in saturated or trans fat, one can also lower cholesterol.

How to raise hdl cholesterol naturally?

There are various things you may do to raise your hdl cholesterol naturally: - Start doing some simple aerobic exercise (such as walking), and stop living a sedentary life. - Quit smoking, be strong enough to say "No" to a cigarette - Try to maintain a healthy weight, and try to lose the extra you might have - Eat more omega-3 rich foods rather than those high in trans-fats.

Are there any websites that can help me find good cholesterol?

Many meats contain LDL and you want to eat as little LDL as possible. Eating foods that have high HDL levels will help lover your cholesterol. Foods high in HDL include nuts and salmon. Easy ways besides this are to stop smoking, exercise, and eat a lot of fiber. For more details go to:

What are foods to fight cholesterol?

There are simply ways to fight high cholesterol. For instance, don't smoke and exercise regularly. Change your diet up as well. Eat a lot of fiber. Lower your amount of LDL consumption. A lot of red meats are high in LDL. Eat more food items that are high in HDL. Salmon and nuts are a couple of food items that are high in HDL.

What foods should be eliminated when a person is trying to lower his cholesterol levels?

You will want to eliminate foods with a lot of sugars or fats. These will raise your cholesterol. You will want to try to eat a lot more vegetables, oatmeal, and foods with Omega 3 Fatty Acids, particularly fish.

How To Raise HDL Cholesterol?

Many people are concerned about how to achieve and maintain good health. There are nearly always a few benchmark things that can improve a person�s health. They are basic practices that have been preached for years: exercise and eat right. This is certainly true when it comes to balancing cholesterol levels.Lower cholesterol is not always betterMost people are familiar with the term cholesterol but fail to realize that not all of it is bad and not all of it needs to be lowered. HDL is cholesterol that people should work on elevating. The best ways to elevate HDL happen are also the best ways to lower LDL.Eat rightIt should come as no surprise that fruits and vegetables are good for you. They promote HDL and the fiber essential soaks up LDL. Part of eating right is moderation, and many things that are bad in excess can be good in moderation. Alcohol, when consumed in moderation, actually increases HDL.Not all cholesterol is bad and people should actually try to increase HDL levels. Exercise works at lowering the bad stuff while elevating levels of HDL in a body. Move your bodyIt does not matter how you move your body as long as you are moving it. Exercise is the magic elixir for a lot of things, and balancing cholesterol is no exception. It decreases how much LDL you have in your body while increasing the HDL. Walk, run, dance or crawl, it does not matter what it is as long as you do it regularlyOften times it is not the fancy remedy that works best. These tips are basic but effective ways to manage cholesterol as well as a host of other dangerous medical conditions.