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Yes in coventry, Rhode Island there is. Nut looks like basic horse chestnut but outside husk has so spines at all! Is this some kind of hybrid?

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Q: Are there horse chestnut tree with spineless seed cases?
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Horse chestnut called in Hindi?

Horse chestnut, or chestnut horse translated to Hindi is ban khaur, or hars chesTanaT. It is the nutlike seed of a tree.

What is the translation for Buckeye?

A buckeye is the seed of a horse chestnut.

Is a conker a seed?

Yes. A horse chestnut is referred to as a "Conker"

What tree has round green seed pods the size of golf balls?

Horse chestnut is one.

What is the difference between conkers and chestnuts?

No. Sweet Chestnut is contained in a capsule with soft spines and roasted , Horse Chestnut is contained in a spherical capsule with sharp spikes and is inedible. Latin genus,Castana hence 'castanets'. To be absolutely correct a roasting chestnut is the seed of Castanea sativa the Spanish Chestnut. Conkers are the seed of 'Aesculus Hippocastanum the Horse Chestnut.

How small is the smallest conker?

The smallest conker seed is approximately one-half to one inch tall. The conker tree (seed) is also called a horse chestnut tree (seed).

Where are chestnut bellied seed finch?

South America and the Caribbean

How do horse chestnut seed disperse?

They use the sun light to help them disperse then they start to grow but then a maths equation come in to tell you how it works here is the equation 2x+-3456=12565347x2+65839+873 Thats the answer

What game is played in autumn using the fruit of the horse chestnut tree?

This common British children's game is called Conkers. Two players thread the seed of the Horse Chestnut tree (the conker) on a piece of string. They, then, take turns hitting each others conker until one breaks. This game dates back to 1848 on the Isle of Wight.

Is a sweet chestnut tree a producer?

Yes. A Sweet Chestnut tree produces many things. Seed, wood and a natural habitat for much wildlife.

Is a chestnut a seed or a nut?

this is actually i difficult question to answer. Many say that this is a nut but when it comes down to it the chest"nut" is actually a seed. It qualifies as a seed more than a nut.

Which part of the water chestnut do we eat?

"The seed inside of the shell is the part of the water chestnut we eat. These seeds can be eaten fried, roasted, boiled, or even raw and are said to be high in starch." The above answer is not correct - that is a normal chestnut, NOT a water chestnut. The edible part of a water chestnut is the root of an aquatic plant also known as caltrop.