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Yes of course. Due to the Golgi Apparatus interacting with the chloroplasts in the palisade cells coupled with the protein synthesis in the lac operon, the microvilli will be present to digest the proteins synthesised by osmosis. This results in the excretion of toxins by the bacteria and in certain species causing sympatric speciation.

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2d ago

No, bacteria do not have microvilli. Microvilli are small, finger-like projections on the surface of animal cells that help increase their surface area for absorption. Bacteria do not have membrane-bound organelles like microvilli.

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Q: Are there microvilli in bacterial cells?
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Cells that line the small intestine are covered with microvilli for increased absorption.

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The folds of the plasma membrane that increase the cell's surface area are called microvilli. They are small, finger-like projections found on the surface of certain types of cells, particularly in cells involved in absorption, to increase the surface area for better nutrient absorption.

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Cilia are hair-like structures that extend from the surface of epithelial cells and are involved in moving fluids over the cell surface. Microvilli are small, finger-like projections that increase the surface area of the cell for absorption and secretion functions. Both cilia and microvilli play important roles in the function of epithelial cells in tissues such as the respiratory tract and intestines.

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The presence of microvilli typically indicates that the cell is involved in absorption, as microvilli increase the surface area of the cell membrane, allowing for more efficient nutrient absorption. Cells with microvilli are commonly found in tissues involved in absorption, such as the small intestine.

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