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This really depends on an individual's personality and lifestyle. Some do not have time or money for a cat, or just prefers one animal over the other. Mice and cats are intelligent animals in their own way. However, mice do not take up a great deal of space whereas a cat does - cats like to explore and perch in various places, they need litterboxes and tall scratching posts. They cannot be confined to one room like a mouse cage. It all depends on the individual person.

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12y ago

rats, Rats, RATS!

They are lovley creatures and are kind by nature...If you do get a rat, here are a few thing ur rat will deff need!

~ a large cage

~ another rat 2 play with ( at least 2 rats cuz if u don't have 2 rats it will become depresed no matter how much u play with it)


~bedding material (shreeded tisues are good and cheap too!)

Floor material (i wouldn't recomend wood shavings as the tiny dust in it will iratate ur rats eyes and nose, thus maiking it sneeze ad more prone to respiratory disese so i would recomend wood-based cat litter not made from pine tho!)

Here is a little info about the sex of the rat

Male~ Male rats are laid-back and calmer than female rats, and will gladly sit in your lap. BUT, they mark places with a few drops of urine, this might put u off! ( by places, i mean places inside the cage! =p)

Females~ females are always active, and are hyper! they come into heat ( when they can breed) about every 14 days, so unless you want loads of babys, i would recomend the same sex pairs! They don't smell at all as they don't mark their terotry.

Vets~ you will have to find a specilist vet 4 ur rats, as not many vets are specilised 2 take care 4 rats as they r 2 small!

Tumors + cancers~ unfortunatly, rats have a high chance of dying from cancers + tumors, this is because of how they were tested upon in the labs and its in all rats genes. If you do get rats, and ur rat(s) get a tumor or cancer, it would be the kinist thing to put it to sleep =[


Bad things:

They stink

They arnt as inteligent as rats

N many more, but i 4got =[

Good things -

They arnt as likely to die from a tumor or cancer.

They don't need a big cage

They don't need 2 be sozilised as much with.

But my personal preference is RATS!

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10y ago

There is actually, more mice as pests than pets...

In different country's of the world, it would be pets more than pests, but worldwide, it is pests more... :)

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A good way is to simply get a cat. I know, I know it sounds very cliche. However you'd be surprised how much more effective cats can be than professional mice exterminators. If you are worried about costs you can simply adopt a cat. Cats don't eat very much and are easier to clean up after than dogs. They are even great companions. Although it isn't very humane for the mice, you have to keep in mind wild mice (not pet mice) are pests. Domesticated cats are pets and it would be humane to adopt one.

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yes boy mice smell more stinky than girl girl mice. i know this because of experience. my sister had a boy mouse and then when it passed away she got two girl mice and it did not stink as much so if you are going to get a mouse get a girl Boys tend to be more cuddly, but do let off more odor, but the difference is not huge enough that it should affect your choice in pets. Both genders make good pets. While girls smell less, they're less cuddly. There's a pro and con to each.

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Almost but the differences are that: Rats are bigger than mice as most people know. Rats are more intelligent Rats are less smelly Rats are much better pets than mice Related things: They have almost the same lifespan. Note : These are only what I know. There might be more answers to this.

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How many pets are owned in the US?

There's no way of knowing. Mice are common pets, so quite a lot of people have mice in the world. There is no way to calculate it unless you interviewed everyone in the world.

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The best type of mice is the Fancy female mice, you must get 2 for healthy pets they are nicer than males and don't smell as bad as the fancy male mice.

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There are more mice than lions because it takes more than one mice to fullfill one lion. Therefore, more mice than lions are needed to sustain the community. Hope that helped! =]

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Like this: Pesticides are dangerous chemicals, they kill more than pests. However, your English teacher may appreciate one of these two revisions: A category of dangerous chemicals known as pesticides can kill more than pests. This next revision incorporates the addition of an appositive Pesticides, a variety of dangerous chemicals, kill more than pests.

Which type-of-mice is the best-pet?

Fancy mice are the most common type of pet mice. They come in the smaller 'pet' variety most commonly found in pet shops, and also the larger 'show' type that are bred for showing as the name suggests. Multimmamate mice are the next common - these are also known as natel rats, or african soft-furs. They are larger than pet mice and sometimes have a reputation for being more aggressive although this is usually down to poor upbringing and lack of handling whilst young. They are sometimes referred to as the link between rats and mice. More exotic tyes of mice include African striped grass mice (Zebra Mice), African Pygmy Mice and Harvest mice. The availability of these may depend on the laws in your country, and they require more specialised care than fancy mice. They are not often handleable so are pets more to observe than interact with.

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Rats are pests to humanity, but I personally believe that people especially hate rats because they subconsciously identify with them and see them as a reminder of themselves. Not all people hates rats though.

Is it fair to keep mice as pets?

It depends on how you view it. If you view it as a wild animal taken from the wild, such as a deer mouse or a mouse found around the house, it would most likely cause extreme distress. However, domestic mice (fancy mice) cannot survive on their own due to their coat coloration and lack of wild instinct. It's more fair to keep them as pets than to release them into the wild where they wouldn't last more than a day or two, max. That would be considered cruel and unfair.

Are rats smarter than mice?

No. On the contrary, rats are much smarter. As pets, they are also more sociable and more trainable.