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There are at least 9 bits. 8-bit data, even parity, means an extra bit called a parity bit is sent along with the data to make the number of 1's even in the total number (including the parity bit). There might be more than 9 bits, if start/stop or other bits are used in the code. For example, the data value 00000001 (8 data bits), if even parity is used, an extra bit would be sent thus: 100000001 (total number of 1's is 2, even). If the value of the data was 00000011, then the parity bit would have a value of 0, 000000011, so the total number of 1's is even in the entire string. The purpose is so that on the receive side you can use a simple 1-bit adder to do a sanity check on the received data to see if the correct number of 1's was received in a given byte being received. If even parity was sent, and odd parity was calculated on the receive side, that data byte can be flagged as in error and possibly dropped.

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Q: Are there nine bits with an 8-bit even parity setting?
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What is the difference between parity and non-parity memory?

Non-parity memory is memory without parity. Parity memory is memory with extra bits, sometimes one, sometimes more, that accompany the word. These extra parity bits are generated to a known value, typically to make the total number of bits on that word even or odd. When the word is retrieved, the parity bits are compared against what they should be. If they are different, then one or more of the bits in the original word or in the parity bits must have changed. This is an error condition that can be trapped. In a multiple parity bit system, the calculation of the bits allows not only for the detection of a changed bit, but also for the identification of which bit changed. This is known as ECC parity, or Error-Correcting-Code. Often, you can detect and correct any one bit error, and you can detect, but not correct, any two bit error. Since random bits changes are rare, those that do occur are usually one bit errors, making ECC parity valuable for high reliability systems such as servers.

What are the Applications of XOR?

Exclusive OR gate has a variety of applications. Even parity generator. comparator. encoder etc.

Write a program to illustrate bitwise operators without swap?

#include<stdio.h> int main() { int n,n2; printf("enter the no. < 15 "); // here i am considering the case of 4 bits. (1111) binary = (15) decimal scanf("%d",&n); n2=n^10; /* 10 = 1010 in binary form, to invert its even bits , we will use bit wise XOR (^) operator 1010 has 1 at its even places, so it will invert the even bits of n. if there is any further problem mail me at */ printf("\n%d",n2); return 0; }

How does the fineness affect the time of setting?

Setting begins to occur after the concrete is mixed and even before pouring. The cement in the concrete begins to stiffen after mixed with water. The concrete is beginning to change from liquid form to solid form. During the setting process, the concrete does gain strength, which is the beginning of the hardening process. When the water ingredient is added to the concrete mix, the concrete is still pliable and flexible, sort of a paste. There is two stages of setting: initial and final setting. Initial setting is when the concrete loses it flexibility and begins to harden. Final setting is when the concrete can sustain some load, but still has some moisture within the mixture. Hardening

How many values can store a variable at a time?

Yes. For example: char c= 'A'; ... c= 'B';

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Types of parity bits?

There are two types of parity bits.they are even and odd parity.

What error occurs if the number of bits is not an odd number for odd parity or an even parity?

parity error

What is usage parity bit in 8086 Microprocessor?

P (parity)is the count of '1's in the last 8 bits of any binary number expressed as even or odd. Logic 0 for odd parity; logic 1 for even parity.-if a number contains three binary one bits, it has odd parity-if a number contains no one bits, it has even parity

Which gate is used as parity checker?

It can be calculated via an XOR sum of the bits, yielding 0 for even parity and 1 for odd parity

State the purpose of the parity track devices?

A parity bit, or check bit, is a bit that is added to ensure that the number of bits with the value one in a set of bits is even or odd. Parity bits are used as the simplest form of error detecting code.

Define the purpose of PARITY?

A bit, added to every 8 bits, as a basic data integrity check. The value of this 9th. bit is either chosen so that the total number of 1's is even (even parity) or odd (odd parity).A bit, added to every 8 bits, as a basic data integrity check. The value of this 9th. bit is either chosen so that the total number of 1's is even (even parity) or odd (odd parity).A bit, added to every 8 bits, as a basic data integrity check. The value of this 9th. bit is either chosen so that the total number of 1's is even (even parity) or odd (odd parity).A bit, added to every 8 bits, as a basic data integrity check. The value of this 9th. bit is either chosen so that the total number of 1's is even (even parity) or odd (odd parity).

What is the difference between parity and non-parity memory?

Non-parity memory is memory without parity. Parity memory is memory with extra bits, sometimes one, sometimes more, that accompany the word. These extra parity bits are generated to a known value, typically to make the total number of bits on that word even or odd. When the word is retrieved, the parity bits are compared against what they should be. If they are different, then one or more of the bits in the original word or in the parity bits must have changed. This is an error condition that can be trapped. In a multiple parity bit system, the calculation of the bits allows not only for the detection of a changed bit, but also for the identification of which bit changed. This is known as ECC parity, or Error-Correcting-Code. Often, you can detect and correct any one bit error, and you can detect, but not correct, any two bit error. Since random bits changes are rare, those that do occur are usually one bit errors, making ECC parity valuable for high reliability systems such as servers.

What is called if the number of bits is not an odd number for odd parity or an even number for even parity?

That's called a "parity violation", which indicates a bit error in the byte. That's the whole purpose of parity ... detecting bit errors, although in order to do it, you have to significantly increase the data load by adding an extra bit to every 7 or 8 bits in the end-user's business traffic.

How do you convert bits to even and odd parity?

add 1 0r 0 to its right hand side

What is odd parity even parity?

Priority: Counting number of ones (1s) in the unit of data, since 0 is zero.Example: a unit of data: 1001 (=0x09) where number of 1s is 2 making even parity.So, the parity bit - the most significant bit will be '0' - "even" which makes the byte 0000-1001 or 0x09.Add 1, makes 10 - or xxxx-1010 still 2 bits set, making also even parity 0x0a.Add 2, makes 11 - or 1000-1011 - 0x8bYou can make a simple transistor as a "gate" we call XOR. If one OR the other pin is raised, then raise pin out. If none or both are set, pin out is set low. The difference between OR and XOR is the result of both.But use the "overflow" 4th pin of an OR "gate", and use this as input to the next bit and you "ADD" binary.

Is used for error detection where the bit is turned on or off depending on whether the sum of the other bits in the byte is even or odd?

it is called even / odd parity check

How explain the terms even parity and odd parity Is one method bettrer than the other?

"Parity" refers to the number of 1s in a given binary number. Odd parity means there are an odd number of 1s and even parity means that there are an even number of 1s. Parity bits are often used as a crude means of error detection as digital data is transmitted and received. For example, 0b11010100 has 4 1s in it, therefore, it has even parity. Two devices exchanging data must be set to the same parity. If both are set (strapped) for odd parity, for example, then the sending device must ensure that the number of bits in each word has an odd number of 1s. Likewise, the receiving device must be set to ensure it only receives words with an odd number of 1s. An odd parity bit is defined as a bit in the word which can be set to ensure odd parity. If the word already has an odd number of 1s, then the parity bit is not set. If the word otherwise has an even number of 1s, the parity bit is set to ensure an odd number of 1s. The same is true for even parity settings. One way is not necessarily better than the other in theory but, in practice, should observe the convention for the system in question. Many (if not most) devices provide a connector pin that can be strapped to define either even or odd parity.