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Q: Are there really fewer viruses on Macs than on Windows?
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What are some virus protection applications for Macs?

macs dont get viruses macs dont get viruses

Is windows the best server to use?

In my opinion, NO! Macs are awesome, but windows, they're not really that great. Windows 7 is pretty descent, but Macs are nothing but genius. So I recommend Macs, but what you prefer may or may not be a Mac.

What is one of the primary reasons that Macs aren't as susceptible to viruses?

One reason that Macs aren't as vulnerable to viruses is because some of their anti-virus and security features are run on the Unix Kernel-one of the best and oldest out there. Another reason is that many more users are familiar with Windows rather than Macs. I, myself, am one of those people-well, almost. Therefore, creators of viruses most likely use the Windows platform and write them in Windows Code, which means that only Windows Computers can execute these viruses-but Windows Emulators, available for Macs and Apple computers, can execute it too. So you'd be better off running an antivirus program, because your Windows Emulator can spread the virus to your Mac.

Why can Window Computers get viruses but Macs can't?

Apple products can get viruses. Way more people over the world use Windows and are more familiar with it than they are with an Apple product. That makes Windows the main target.

What the different of Mac OS and Windows OS?

Compaired to macs windows are a little cheaper but macs are WAY better

Does a Mac book have Windows 7?

Macs do not come windows ,only PC's come windows so no a macbook does not have windows 7. However, I heard that Macs can run Windows as smoothly as a PC so you could probably buy windows for it.

What computers can Maplestory play on?

Windows, and MACS

What can virus protection offer a mac user?

Most people do not require additional virus protection for their Macs. Mac OS X is not invulnerable to viruses but it is much more secure than Windows. I have used Macs for a number of years without any issue, without additional virus protection.

Since there are no viruses for mac's how come everyone doesn't have one?

price probably, and if everyone had macs, there would be more viruses for them.It is curious. In no other aspect of their lives would people tolerate such things but over the years, with the predominance of the Windows operating system, people have become conditioned into accepting viruses as a normal part of using a computer. They do not know that such a state is not normal and that without the Windows operating system we could be rid of viruses, spam email etc.

What are some of the benefits an Apple Mac has that PCs do not?

The main difference between Macs and PCs is the operating system. The Mac OS is easy to use and efficient. Windows doesn't have the simplicity and is more prone to viruses.

Does adobe photoshop CS4 work on macs?

Adobe produces separate versions of Photoshop for the Mac OS X and Windows operating systems. The Mac version works on Macs using Mac OS X and the Windows version works on Macs that are running Windows. (see links below)

Do I need an antivirus for mac air?

YES.Mac OS remains more secure than any other operating system. Even though fewer malware programs targeting Mac OS, macs are not immune to web threats and do get viruses.