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I don't think that any one religion encourages to squat in standing position unless the persons disability to do so. If any one does like that, can be called as his habit.

Sorry, I didn't say like that, but the question is "Are there religious beliefs...?". If the reply is irrelevant, it might lead a reader to misunderstand about religious beliefs. Those, who do that, might have considered that sitting on toilet seat is unclean and hazardous to health.

I was stationed in Saudi Arabia during Desert Shield 1990...we had a lavatory that was shared by Saudis and Americans. We had to put a padlock on one of the stalls because the Saudi Beduin (SP?)Soldiers would stand on the toilets...honestly, they would leave them pretty disgusting. What we were told was that they take these guys out of the desert and they are in the habit of squatting....basically, they did not want to change. So, they stand on the toilet and squat! Also, remember...countries like Italy have what we called the "Bombchute"...just a hole in the floor. I never tried it...thank you very much..LOL!!! The world is an interesting place...I have a million stories...I've travelled extensively! I am not saying it is a religious practice...I was a fact, the Western Educated Saudi's (one or two) tried to tell them how to use the toilet, but they still reverted back to standing on them. There were a couple of slips and falls, but that's another story!

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1mo ago

There are certain religious beliefs, such as in some branches of Islam, that advise against sitting directly on a toilet seat due to concerns about cleanliness. In such cases, followers may choose to hover or stand on the toilet seat while using the bathroom. It is a personal practice and not a universal requirement within the religion.

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Q: Are there religious beliefs that do not allow people to sit on a toilet seat therefore they stand on toilet seats?
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How did people wipe their butts two thousand years ago in Jerusalem?

In ancient times, people used various materials such as stones, clay shards, pieces of broken pottery, water, or sponges on sticks to clean themselves after using the restroom. They did not have toilet paper as we do today.

Why did Elijah kill all the prophets of baal?

Elijah killed the prophets of Baal because they were leading the people of Israel away from worshiping the one true God and towards the false god Baal. By eliminating the prophets of Baal, Elijah sought to protect the Israelites from being led astray and to reaffirm their commitment to following God alone.

Can you drink glauber salt?

Glauber's salt, or sodium sulfate, is a laxative that is typically taken by dissolving it in water. It is not meant to be ingested in its solid form as it can cause irritation and gastrointestinal distress. It is important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines when taking any laxative medication.

Why do Muslims eat with only their right hand?

The Prophet (peace be upon him) commanded people to eat with their right hands and forbade them to eat with their left hands. He said, "The Shaytaan eats with his left hand and drinks with his left hand." Narrated by Muslim (2020). This implies that eating with the left hand is haraam, and this is the correct view, because the one who eats with his left hand is either a shaytaan (a devil), or he is imitating the Shaytaan. Below is a little poem to teach your kids which is there left hand (so they don't using it). WHICH HAND DO I EAT WITH?Which hand is my right hand?It's sometimes hard to know.But I have a special wayThat I will share and show.Put both hands out horizontally in front of you, palms downThen it is easy to tell.Cause when you straighten out your thumbsThe left hand makes an "L"

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