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Q: Are there risks with your German shepherd after they kill rabbits?
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Could a German shepherd kill a wolf?

No. A wolf has a stronger jaw and a wider body than a german shepherd.

Who will win between German shepherd or dalmatian?

Germanshepherd would kill and tear into pieces of a dalmation

What is the strongest breed of canine rottweiler or pit bull?

The purebred german shepherd is stronger. because he is used by military and he is the most loyal breed of world he can kill a indian lion. one day a police purebred german shepherd save me from my pitbull. my pit bull wants to kill me. first he kill my mom and now he wants to kill me . but purebred german shepherd of police save my life.

Can a German Sheperd kill a Dachsund?

Yes, a Shepherd could kill one in two seconds easily.

How to make a german shepherd kill a robber?

Unless you want to pay to get the dog professional attack training (which I don't suggest) then there is really no way to make a german shepherd kill a robber. But I do know that they make excellent natural guard dogs. If a german shepherd knows and loves you then they will fight for you with there life if the situation arises, one of the reasons the police use them so much. Although, just by having a german shepherd in your house would be enough to keep robbers away.

Which are more scary Doberman or German shepherds?

Trained European bloodline dobermanns can kill 2 German shepherd. German shepherd is nothin compered to a dobermann. I can't believe there are people who think that the gsd could beat the dobermann. Doberman is scarier.

What is scaryer a Siberian husky or a German Shepherd?

it depends on how the dog was trained. Huskies are friendly dogs, and German sheppards can be too. But some German sheppards are trained to kill.

Can ten male German Shepherd dogs kill a male African Lion?

A male lion can scare off 15 spotted hyenas and hyena are larger and more powerfull then german shepard the dogs might attack the lion but they conot kill it.

Who would win in a fight a German shepherd or a chihuahua?

1 german shepherd vs 1 coyote I would put my money on the German Shepherd However you're talking about a wild animal hardened by natural selection and survival versus a tame pet. Wild animals know how to fight and survive. Shepherd versus 3 coyotes, 3 coyotes wins hands down. Even 2 coyotes would very likely be victorious. They know how to bite to kill, tame shepherd does not.

Will cats kill medium rabbits that are pets?

they will not kill the rabbits! This is ridiculous did you even write this?

Can a German shepherd knock out any breed of dog when they get angry?

no a doberman is because they are the 2nd fastest breed of dog in the world and have the 3rd strongest bite pressure so a doberman can definently take a German shepherd. a pit bull couldn't take a dober the dober will kill it after a good battle but the doberman will have serious injuries

Do rabbits kill?

No, they are herbivores.