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The ten commandments from the Holy Bible:

1: I am the Lord your God

2: You shall have no other gods before me/You shall not make for yourself an idol

3: You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God

4: Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy

5: Honor your father and your mother

6: You shall not murder

7: You shall not commit adultery

8: You shall not steal

9: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor

10: You shall not covet your neighbor's wife/You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor

THAT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL! NOT EVERY CULTURE IS RELIGIOUS OR WORSHIPS The Bible. the only thing all religions have in common is do not unto others as you would unto you.


There are a lot of cultures I know nothing about but the ones that I do know something about all have their things thing consider deviant, against their religion, taboo, etc. There may be cultures out there that do not consider anything to be deviant.

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Q: Are there some acts that are considered deviant in every culture?
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Can all deviant acts be defined as criminal yes or no?

CANNOT be answered with a yes or no. Too broad a question. Define "DEVIANT ACTS." "Deviant" to who? Morally deviant? Criminally deviant? Religiously deviant? etc . . . (????)

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Hirschi's control theory argues that individuals with strong social bonds are less likely to engage in deviant behavior. These social bonds include attachment to others, commitment to conformity, involvement in conventional activities, and belief in the moral validity of social norms. Stronger bonds lead to increased self-control and less likelihood of deviance.

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The word deviant means different, unique, or strange. Deviant also may be short for, a website which allows artists from all over the world to post their art (whether sketches, paintings, photographs, or digital art, etc.) and receive feedback from other users. There are also forums and a place to shop for art.

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Primary and secondary deviance?

Edwin Lemert developed the idea of primary and secondary deviation as a way to explain the process of labeling. Primary deviance is any general deviance before the deviant is labeled as such. Secondary deviance is any action that takes place after primary deviance as a reaction to the institutions. When an actor commits a crime (primary deviance), however mild, the institution will bring social penalties down on the actor. However, punishment does not necessarily stop crime, so the actor might commit the same primary deviance again, bringing even harsher reactions from the institutions. At this point, the actor will start to resent the institution, while the institution brings harsher and harsher repression. Eventually, the whole community will stigmatize the actor as a deviant and the actor will not be able to tolerate this, but will ultimately accept his or her role as a criminal, and will commit criminal acts that fit the role of a criminal. Primary And Secondary Deviation is what causes people to become harder criminals. Primary deviance is the time when the person is labeled deviant through confession or reporting. Secondary deviance is deviance before and after the primary deviance. Retrospective labeling happens when the deviant recognizes his acts as deviant prior to the primary deviance, while prospective labeling is when the deviant recognizes future acts as deviant. The steps to becoming a criminal are: # Primary deviation. # Social penalties. # Secondary deviation. # Stronger penalties. # Further deviation with resentment and hostility towards punishers. # Community stigmatizes the deviant as a criminal. Tolerance threshold passed. # Strengthening of deviant conduct because of stigmatizing penalties. # Acceptance as role of deviant or criminal actor.

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"Deviant" is any act of a person that is different from the accepted norms of a society. What is deviant, depends on the customs of a given society: think for instance of homosexuality, accepted in one society and forced underground in another society. The same goes for the question of what is legal and what is not: laws are different in each country and in the US, in each State . You do not mention what country you are talking about and your teacher probably gave you a list that you did not include. So you will have to figure this out for yourself.

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