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Spells are magickal workings, performed the world over for things such as healing, abundance, attraction, and more besides. They utilise visualisation, energy raising and channelling, and the focusing of intent. Spells performed as part of Magickal workings are an entirely different thing to the staged magic of Magicians common at children's parties and television shows.


People sometimes do and sometimes don't believe in spells.

Scientists havent prooved there was such a thing and personally I don't believe.

Answer 2:

(Edit: Someone wrote, before it was edited with the answer above, the spells do exist. The answer below is an alternative although the answer above sums it up. In the end it is a personal decision.)

I have to disagree and tell you that they do not exist. I assume with 'what not' you mean other 'magical' things.

Although I try to respect other people's beliefs, I would just like to give a second opinion on this question.

If you need examples: When you watch ANY magician perform: in the end it is possible to explain how he/she did it with a trick. Everything is scientifically explainable because everything has a pattern and is determined, even love. Although, undoubtly, a wonderful feeling, it is in the end just a simple process of neurological pathways and hormones interacting with each other. But I digress; if you do find/see/experience something that you don't understand: Google it! Inform yourself, ask a doctor, ask a friend BUT please don't rely on your own preception of things because in the end you will believe in what you yourself are 'programmed' to believe. (With programmed I mean the way your brain as grown and developed over the years).

A Pagan Perspective

Spells are a part of the practice of some (but not all) forms of Paganism. They are formalised manners in which to focus the intent of the practitioner.

The creation of a spell involves a fair amount of work and research. Many things, including phase and house of the moon, deities to call, herbs, stones, incense, colours and many other matters are involved and finding just the right ones are important.

Magic is simply stated the manipulation of naturally occurring powers by the hand and will of an ethical practitioner. For all that, the practice is much harder than it sounds.

Manifestation is the practice of visualising a need in such a manner as to bring it into your life.

This does not mean you can have big bags of money falling from an empty sky into your backyard, but more likely if you as manifesting prosperity into your life, a career, opportunity, or windfall will come your way.

Nothing comes from nothing, the gods/universe expect you to work for what you get. And once you are working toward your goal, they will help.

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11y ago

If your talking Harry Potter Witchcraft and wizardry then no. However true witchcraft dose exist, i've been practicing it for several years. i suggest looking in your library if you want to know more

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15y ago

Spells are usually created by experienced practitioners for whatever "need" they have at the time. Therefore there are or can be hundreds of kinds of spells.

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How do you do all the spells?

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There are no such things as spells or mermaids in real life. They are simply fantasy.

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Mermaid spells don't work because spells, mermaids, and magic are not real. They are things that exist only in fiction.

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Mermaid spells don't work because spells, mermaids, and magic are not real. They are things that exist only in fiction.

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There are no real mermaid spells. None of them work because there are no such things as magic, spells, or mermaids.

Are there real mermaid spells that work?

No. There are no such things as magic or mermaids.

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There are many things that could cause dizzy spells. The person may be suffering from something as simple as dehydration.

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no,its all fake there r no such things as spells

What is a collection of magic spells called?

There are many names a collection of spells could be called. Here are a few: - a Book of Shadows (although these rarely contain just spells) - a Grimoire (again, these usually contain many things including spells) - a Magical Workbook (this is what mine are called and I have many) - a Magician's Companion/Compendium - a Book of Spells

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There are no spells to turn people into mermaids. Magic spells are not real outside of movie magic and mermaids are not real. People can not change into other things or mermaids. It is all make believe.

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No such spell exists. There are no such things as spells or fairies.

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There are no magic spells to turn people into mermaids. They are not real and mermaids are not real. People can not change into other things, but if you want to pretend to be a mermaid buy a costume.