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Yes, there are Buddhist of white European descent. Mostly they're recent converts.

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Q: Are there white people who are Buddhists by religion When i say white i mean European or European-descended. Are there regular white people who are Buddhists by religion either monks or lay Buddhist?
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Which religions Buddhist are the followers?

Buddhism. Buddhists follow Buddhism, the religion founded by the Buddha.

How is the Buddhist religion different or the same with the aims and practices of Christianity?

Buddhists don't have salvation for eternity.

Do baptists celebrate the Lord's Supper?

No. The 'Lord's Supper' or Commnion is purely a Christian phenomenon.Answer:Some do... There are Christian Buddhists. I know, seems like an oxymoron!! However, if you ask a Buddhist that practices only Buddhism what religion they are they will not say Buddhism. Buddhism, to the Buddhist is not a religion, but a way of life. Buddhists do not worship deities. They accept all religions as well. Therefore one can be a Buddhist and a Christian. So when you as "Do Buddhists incorporate the lords supper into their ceremonies" you can have several answers by several Buddhists who practice different religions as well as the way of Buddhism.Further information which may be usefulMany Tantric Buddhists have a practice known as the ganacakra (in Sanskrit) or tsog (in Tibetan) feast ceremony, in which eating and drinking are practised as part of a sacred ceremony of drawing closer to their Guru. These ceremonies have a similarity to the Christian Eucharist (Holy Communion), and are most heartfelt practices.Further information about Buddhists and religion: Some Buddhists, even monks or nuns, may say they are religious as Buddhists, and that Buddhism is their religion. However, it still stands that a Buddhist can adopt any religion he or she wishes, in addition to being a Buddhist, whether you consider it a philosophy or religion. Any religion a Buddhist adopts must be considered a peaceful one.

How were indian and european religion different?

European religion is mostly Christian. Whereas India is mostly Hindu or Buddhist.

Where you live if you join Buddhism religion?

Buddhists live all around the world. If a person becomes a Buddhist they are not required to move to a "Buddhist only" country or a monastery.

Do Buddhists force a marriage ceremony?

In essence Buddhism is a philosophy not a religion. However some schools of Buddhist though have taken on the property's of religion Therefore it is quite likely that there are Buddhist that would use Buddhist philosophy to force people to do as they wish including marriage.

What are problems facing the Buddhist religion?

Like Christianity, their is a problem of sexual abuse by monks.In Tibet, the Buddhists are oppressed by the Chinese.

Why is it hard to account for the number of buddhists?

Since very few people who call themselves Buddhists attend or participate in Buddhist institutions, it is difficult to get an accurate count. Also, people can belong to another eastern religion and still be a Buddhist which means they may not get counted as a Buddhist during the gathering religious statistics.

Can a Buddhist boy and a Christian girl have a lasting relationship?

YES. Buddhism ia a philosophy and does not conflicts with Christianity or any religion. there are Christian-Buddhists, Jewish Buddhists, etc. (search the web)

How many followers are Buddhist?

There are aproximately 350 million Buddhists worldwide (6% of the world's population). Making it the 6th largest religion.

Who do Buddhist believe in?

Buddhists believe in the teachings of Buddha, not in any one person necessairly. It is more a philosophy of life, than it is a religion.

Where is Buddhism no longer the dominant religion?

Afghanistan was a very Buddhist area in the distant past and there are still some Buddhist shrines carved into cliffsides in Afghanistan. I don't think that there are any Buddhists there anymore.