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It's not quite that simple.

When a person is born they are assigned a sex based purely on their external genitalia - sex is biosocial, we assigned sex based on our understanding of sex in human beings (e.g. penis = male / vulva = female). Sex is actually a combination of external genitalia, internal genitalia, secondary sexual characteristics, hormones, chromosomes, and the mind - it's not as black and white as male/female as there are intersex people and some trans people are born with minds that don't match the rest of their sex characteristics (e.g. a person with a penis may have a 'female mind').

Gender is social, we raise someone to be a specific gender based on their sex - e.g. males as boys and females as girls, but not everyone's gender will match the sex they were assigned at birth also there are more than two genders. When it comes to gender it's not something you are born as or really something you chose, it is just something that you are...a cisgender person is not born their gender and do not chose their gender, it's the same with most transgender people.

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Transgender people are born this way.

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Q: Are transgender born that way or is it a choice.?
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They don't choose to be transgender, they just are. It's not a choice

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Transgender people are born either male or female. The transgender people feel that they were born in the wrong bodies and usually undergo a sex change operation.

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Transgender people are not made. It is something you will be born with.

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People are either born transgender or their not.

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Transgender men aren't born with penises* (most of the time, unless the trans man was born a specific form of intersex)

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Yes. Most with transsexualism are born that way, they usually knew they had it before age 6, and they get the surgery to stop having transsexualism. The condition of transsexualism is not the same as the lifestyle of transgenderism. Transgender is mostly a choice and is a fairly recent concept. Transsexualism is a diagnosis while transgenderism is mostly a self-identity.

Are transgenders born this way?

Trannys are beautiful in their way, cuz' God makes no mistakes, they're on the right track, they were born that way.

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Transgender is something you're BORN with.

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Gays, bisexuals, lesbians, transgender people have no secret. They were just born the way they are, and want the same rights as everyone else.

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A transgender woman is a person born male who identifies as female, regardless of any medical procedures that have taken place.

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No, she is not. She was born a biological woman.

Is Ivy Queen transgender?

From what I read. Ivy Queen was born a man (Martin Morales) in 1972 and under went transgender surgery in 2006.