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Puerto Rico has the same travel requirements as any other part of the United States.

When traveling from Puerto Rico (and from Hawaii) to the US Mainland, one must have baggage inspected (x-rayed) by the US Department of Agriculture in order to ensure no fresh fruits, fresh vegetables or other restricted items are being smuggled. This is to prevent the spread of insects or other creatures that could cause wide-spread damage to US Agriculture.

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Q: Are travel requirements the same as the US for Puerto Rico?
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Travel requirements between Canada and Puerto Rico?

Same as you do to enter the states.

If you were born in Puerto Rico but you live in Florida do you need passport to travel to Puerto Rico?

no because puerto rico and united states have the same gov. and the us owns puerto rico

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Puerto Rico use same electric systems as US continental.

How Puerto Rico and Miami are the SAME?

puerto rico and mimi is not in the same country

How do you acquire Puerto Rico visa in Ghana?

There is no Puerto Rican Visa. You would have to attain a Visa to visit the United States. Puerto Rico is an overseas territory of the USA and Puerto Ricans are considered United States Citizens. Requirements are the same as any port in the USA.

Why is Puerto Rico's flag and America's flag look the same?

it looks the same because Puerto Rico is a commonwealth.

What does a Puerto Rico 5 dollar bill equal to in the US?

the same since its the same currency in Puerto rico as in the US

Does Puerto Rico extend benefits to same-sex partners of government employees?

No. Puerto Rico does not.

Did the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico rule on the constitutionality of Puerto Rico's ban on same-sex marriage?

Yes, the supreme court of Puerto Rico upheld the ban on same sex marriage.

Are same-sex married couples permitted to adopt children in Puerto Rico?

No. In February 2013, the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico upheld Puerto Rico's law preventing joint adoption by same-sex couples. Also, same-sex marriage is not legally recognized in Puerto Rico.

What is the same about Miami and Puerto Rico?

Q horas es en miami y puerto rico

It is almost the same distance from California to Mexico as from Puerto Rico to Haiti?

No. California is right at the border with Mexico (distance = 0) while you have to travel some miles from Puerto Rico to Haiti (both are on different islands in the Caribbean).