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Q: Are virus are sensitive to interferon?
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What does an Interferon virus do?

An Interferon virus is released by host cells as a response to pathogens which includes viruses and parasites. When something becomes infected then an Interferon is sent out as a warning of the virus to stop the transcription.

How is the infection with the virus that causes hepatitis C hindered by interferon?

Infection with the virus that causes hepatitis C is hindered by interferon via the binding to a site on human cells that is also used by the virus. Thus, the virus cannot enter and infect the host cell

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What is produced by cells infected with viruses?

More viruses. Cells infected with virus DNA are essentially converted into virus factories. Instead of producing the materials the cell needs to reproduce, it produces dormant viruses, until the cell bursts and the new viruses begin infecting other cells.

What stimulates the production of interferions?

When a cell is infected with a virus, the cell secrets interferon to help the other cells to resist to this virus. Hope it helps!!

What is an antiviral substance produced in the human body by virus infected cells?

The virus cells produce anitbodies which cause monera to spread to trees and animals alike accordingly MTV and the producers must insist that noone attempt to recreat or reenact these sentences.

Why would interferon be used as a cancer treatment?

interferons are proteins released by virus infected cells that prevent the virus from duplicating itself in neighboring cells

How does interferon help virus infected cell?

Interferons are messenger molecules secreted by virus-infected cells to notify cells in the vicinity of a viral invasion.

Does interferon prevent viral replication?

It prevents the replication of viral infections, this then stops the virus from spreading further into our system.

How does a vaccination prevent infection?

The vaccine is made of weakened virus particles. This causes your body to produce interferon to fight an infection. :-)