

Are whale sharks endangered

Updated: 11/13/2022
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8y ago

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yes so save them!
A majority of these sharks are caught before they reach maturity at over 20 years of age. Because of overfishing and their demand as a delicacy in countries like China, Taiwan and much of Southeast Asia, they are considered to be a vulnerable species. So basically yes, Its endangered.

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they got threatenened

How many whale sharks are left in the world?

There are approximately about 1,00,000 to 2,00,000 whale sharks left in the wild.

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That would be very hard to estimate. While they can be found in any warm ocean of the world, whale sharks are not, and never have been, common anywhere. They are not endangered, but are listed as "vulnerable".

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Yes, I think it can. I heard that sharks had been killing them and blue whales are endangered so people aren't very impressed with the sharks.

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