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It depends entirely on the circumstances and the laws of your country or area. In most places, a plea of self defence for a manslaughter/murder accusation can be upheld if the use of deadly force was absolutely necessary - if killing him was the only thing that stopped him killing you, basically. In others, it may reduce any murder to manslaughter and cut down a large amount of sentence.

It's not that simple. If you kill someone because an individual punches you, your going to have a big problem. If you believe that your life or the life of someone else was in imminent danger, and there is no other recourse, you can kill in this type of situation. However, at times this can get quite sticky. Others may have a different opinion on what exactly is imminent danger. You would have to prove your life or the life of someone else was legitimately in serious danger.

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Don't shoot to wound. If the situation has brought itself to you having to draw your weapon in self-defense then aim at the chest and pull the trigger. Don't question yourself because time counts when that barrel is pointed at them, you don't know what is going thru their head or what their next move is. There is an old addage used by many police officers, "Better tried by 12, then carried by 6." If it does come to you shooting someone, there should only be one story of what happened, YOURS!

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Q: Are you allowed to kill someone in self defense?
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Your question is not well phrased. The law allows someone to kill to defend themselves, they nevertheless still have to prove such a circumstance. Should a person be allowed to kill in self-defense? That is a personal choice.

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In Islam, you are not allowed to kill anyone unless you are in a war, or if it is for self defense. And even in the wars, you are not allowed to hurt or kill the elderly, the woman, and the children.

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Because I am an ignorant American who knows no law other then American law and some Canadian law, I will act as if you are in America. Yes, you are allowed to assault if you are attacked. In some cases, you are allowed to kill the person.

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That matter would need to be decided by a judge and jury.

Why is it legal to kill somone in self defense?

Generally, those who have killed in self-defense had no other option (other than to be killed themselves). It's human nature to defend yourself from someone trying to harm you, and it's quite pointless of punishing someone for that. If someone is trying to kill you, what are you going to do? Stand there and let it happen?

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Killing another person is always a last resort. However, one is usually justified in a justifiable war and in self defense and the defense of others.

Is it a felony to strangle someone?

If you even touch someone they can consider what you are doing assult and battery. But , if it is in self defense and you dont kill the perosn than i suppose it is ok , but it would have to be in some sort of self defense or its unnessisary.Another View: Stangling someone is an attempt to cut off their supply of air/oxygen necessary to sustain life. It is chargeable as "Assault With Intent To Kill." If your defense is that you were defending yourself you had better be capable of defending your action.

Murder with the intent to discharge a firearm?

The discharge of a firearm with the intent to kill someone is first degree homicide (or occasionally self defense).

What is the meaning of self-defense?

Self defence is defending yourself in any way. It could be physically, emotionally....and much more. If you are looking at self defence internationally, then it is the actions taken by a person to prevent another person from causing harm to one's self, one's property or one's home. self defense is what u use when someone is either in a fight or someone is trying to either hurt or kill u. it is best to know self defense so you can self defend your self :-)!

Why is it illegal to kill the president?

It is illegal to kill anyone unless it is for self defense.