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The little information i have found out about that is depending on what state but most states you can live on you own when your 16. im not sure if you have to have you parents perrmission or not but if they say no you may get amansappatted... sorry my spellings crappy. if you find out more information email me @ my question is relavent No, the age of legal majority in most states is 18, in Alabama and Nebraska it is 19 in Mississippi and Pennsylvania it is 21. There are some states that have a legal process for early emancipation of a minor who is at least 16 years of age. For more specific information you can consult the laws of your state or contact the clerk of the juvenile or family court in the county where you reside.

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Q: Are you allowed to live by yourself when you are 16?
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Yes, at the age of 16 you are allowed to move out if you want in the UK but that is only if you take care of yourself and not causing harm. Then they can make you go back home.

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You can not emancipate yourself but in most states you can seek emancipation by the court when you are 16. You have to fill the criteria when it comes to supporting yourself, school and getting a place to live etc.

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Your mother will have to request a change of custody. You cannot do it yourself.

How old do you have to be to emancipate yourself?

Depends on where you live. The age to seek emancipation with the court is usually 16 but can be younger. You will have to have a place to live and be able to pay your bills, have a job etc.

Can a foster child who is 16 decide to move back home in Maine?

Only if the court allows you to. As a minor you are not allowed to decide for yourself.

You are 17 and want to get emancipated from your parents?

First of all, you must live in a state were you can get emancipation. Only about half the states allow it. If you live in a state where it is allowed, you will have to show the court that you can support yourself, take care of yourself and not be a burden on society.

When a 16 year old becomes a mother is emancipated?

No, the only thing different is that you are allowed to make medical decisions regarding yourself and your child.

Can you decide to live by yourself at the age of 17?

yes you can. In Australia the legal age, with parental consent, you can move out at 16.

Am I allowed to move out of my step mother's house if I am 16?

It depends on the laws where you live. Discuss this with your father and mother, or your court representative.

How old do you need to be to be allowed to have legal rights?

You have legal rights from birth. If you mean regarding custody and decide who to live with, you have to be 18 to decide by yourself.

How old do you have to be to yourself?

Depends on where you live. The age to seek emancipation with the court is usually 16 but can be younger. You will have to have a place to live and be able to pay your bills, have a job etc.

When your 16 year old has her baby is she a legal adult in the state of Indiana?

No, the only thing different is that you are allowed to make medical decisions regarding yourself and your child.