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No, Only if you fly with someone who has Swine Flu, or you are flying to or from Mexico.

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Q: Are you at heightened risk of Swine Flu if you fly?
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Related questions

How is Swine Flu linked to epidemic?

because pigs can fly

Why are children dying from swine fly?

Children are dying from swine flu because people of any age can die from any type of flu including seasonal.

How do you make pigs fly?

swine flu is air born isn't it?<8-)

Do Yorkshire pigs carry the Swine Flu virus?

Yeah buddy! As soon as Obama became president is the day "pigs could fly" then everybody got swine flu!

What are some jokes about the flu?

I phoned the swine flu help hotline yesterday but all I heard was CRACKLING, I guess too many people were HOGGING the line!The best treatment for swine flu is oinkment!Is Swine Flu the past tense of When pigs fly?See the related questions below for more swine flu humor.

Did anyone think twice about visiting Mexico during the Swine Flu outbreak or have trouble visiting any other countries?

During the outbreak, me and my family had to cancel our holiday to Peru as the cases were increasing. We thought that canceling the holiday would be for the best as we didnt want to risk catching Swine flu. >>> I definitely did. I didn't want to travel anywhere as much as possible because I was afraid of catching the flu. >>> I have booked a ticket to Italy but I had flu at that time, I was coughing and sneezing so they didn't let me fly because they were afraid it could be swine flu.

Can pigs fly?

Of course pigs can fly. People said that there would be a black president when pigs fly. 100 days after president obama's inauguration, swine flu. Now where IS my steel umbrella?

Will pigs fly?

Possibly, People said that there would be a black president when pigs fly. 100 days after president obama's inauguration, swine flu. Now where IS my steel umbrella? Oh there it is

Can Swine Flu make you fly?

No, that and some of those other things being said like that (e.g., will you turn into a pig or a zombie if you get swine flu?, etc.) were made up to scare people as a prank or joke and became urban legends. The pandemic swine flu is like any kind of flu as far as symptoms and how it affects you, it is just caused by a new version of the influenza virus that was always called H1N1 that originally only pigs got. The new version is what we know from the 2009 pandemic and is called H1N1/09.

What are parasites and diseases of animal?

Top Ten Animaldiseases & parasites :swine flu, bird flu, aids, whooping cough, tuberculosis, & tapeworms,fly eggs, hoof and mouth diseases, heart worms, and assorted bacterial infections too numerous to mention.

Is there any reason pigs can fly?

a yeah i mean havent u ever heard of the swine flu (tee hee hee ) well thats pretty muchit wait one more thing who told u pigs could fly

Should you fly when pregnant during the swine flu pandemic?

Nobody knows when the pandemic will stop and you as pregnant will be one of the firsts to be offered vaccine. So you can always fly after the vaccine if you don't feel safe. But there is nothing saying you will get H1N1 on a plane or airport when you just as well can get it at the supermarket at home.