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Q: Are you for or against unions?
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The sherman antitrust law was used as a weapon against labor unions?

True. The sherman Antitrust law was against labor unions.

How was the red scare used to turn the public against unions?

Some suspected that unions were dominated by left-wingers and suggested they were communists, turning the public against them

Why did courts rule against unions?

courts often held that unions were conspiring to restrain business activities

Did the haymarket riot strengthen public opinion against labor unions?

Public support for unions fells.

When did Leon Trotsky inform trade unions about the use of military force against workers?

Leo Trotsky did inform the trade unions about the use of military force against workers in the 1920s.

Which statement about labor unions is true?

Unions found it hard to fight government -s upported owners. (APEX)

What gave a voice against employer abuse to factory workers?


How did public opinion of labor issues change in response to the violence of the Homestead Strike?

Public opinion turned against all labor unions

Why did the major strikes of the late 1800 lead to a backlash against labor unions?

Employers frequently appealed for court orders against the unions, which the government regularly approved. These denied unions recognition as legally protected organizations and limited union gains for more than 30 years.

Why did the major strikes of the late 1800s lead to a backlash against labor unions?

Employers frequently appealed for court orders against the unions, which the government regularly approved. These denied unions recognition as legally protected organizations and limited union gains for more than 30 years.

Which established employer's rights to use the courts against unions?

The Pullman Strike.

Gave a voice against employer abuse to factory workers?

Labor Unions