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No. You are gay if and only if all or most of your sexual experiences and fantasies involve another person of the same sex as you.

Increasing numbers of straight men are discovering that anal stimulation can be sexually arousing. There are basically a couple of reasons for this. First, men have a gland called the prostate in the area between the anus and the penis. Stimulating this organ can trigger an erection. Second, the whole area between your legs is filled with nerve endings that feel good when they're stimulated.

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Q: Are you gay if you stick things in your anus?
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If you are a guy and you stick things in your anus is it gay?

I would be more concerned with what type of "things" and what damage you may be doing instead of instead of it being Gay. You may be or you may just be experimenting. Other than the potential for damage, I wouldn't worry about it.

How do gay men anus look?

A gay man's anus looks exactly the same as a straight man's anus.

What is the difference between normal male and gay male anus?

An Anus is a Anus Gay Straight are Bi are Female.. BUt Gays Have the Desirer to PLay with it.. LOL Have SEx with It in it >>..

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Stick your finger in.

What a gay man likes in his anus?

Usually a cock

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Nancey is gay in the anus region

Is Sam Brownback gay?

his anus sure is juicy

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You have to stick your finger in your anus

Can you stick a finger in your girlfriend's anus?

Not a good idea ...

What is passage of gas through the anus is?

first thats gay

Is there anything fun to do with your anus?

Exploring your anus for pleasure or fun should be approached with caution and the utmost care to avoid injury or harm. If you are interested in trying activities such as anal play or anal sex, it's important to communicate openly with your partner, use plenty of lubricant, start slowly, and stop if there is any discomfort. Remember that safety, consent, and comfort should always be top priorities.

Can you poo with a stick in your hole?

Assuming the stick is not large enough to cover your anus (fully stretched), yes you can poo.