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People can be infected with a disease or virus that turns them into flesh-eating Zombies, according to modern movies, like Night of the Living Dead and Zombieland.

They can also be possessed, like in voodoo stories from West Africa that believe a dead person can be revived by a sorcerer bokor.

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Q: Are zombies infected with a disease or possessed?
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Are zombies really real?

YES they are because they are,they are infected with a virul infecus disease

What is the difference between zombies and infected?

Zombies are deceased and reanimated beings that usually try to eat the flesh or the brains of the living. Infected are usually living beings that are crazed due to their disease and attack the living in a zombie-like fashion.

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people turn into zombies because if an infected person bites you the saliva mixes with your blood and you become infected people turn into zombies because if an infected person bites you the saliva mixes with your blood and you become infected

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How did the infection start in left 4 dead?

The zombies you see in Left 4 Dead 1-2 are infected with a rabes-like disease that makes them very destructive and have a desire to infect everything that is healthy. The zombies have already found out that you (The Survivors) have an immunity to the disease that they carry, so they decide to kill you instead. This disease apparently randomly came into action on the Earth and since then has infected over half of the world's population.

How did disease impact the New World?

because of the Zombies

When you get a disease you are said to be by it?

when you get a disease you are said to be INFECTED by it .

Do zombies have emotions?

No. Zombies are infected by a virus, and are basically on auto-pilot. They do not think, feel pain or emotion, or have any memories.

How did zombies form?

During the 1800s a virus entered beautiful earth. If the living infected by the virus died they would form into zombies.

What is left 4 day all about?

you mean left 4 dead????? the city is infected with zombies. you kill the zombies. simple. see zombie blow zombies head off

Are the Nazi zombies infected?

i don't think so because they are UNDEAD NAZIS

How do you become infected by a contagious disease?

with sex