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They might be, if the pandas bred in zoos were released into the wild.

Otherwise, they panda is captive - and while we cannot assess what a panda 'thinks', (never mind what it might think about) we can surmise that as we would not be living our lives to the fullest if we were in captivity, so captive pandas are somehow not achieving the best life possible for them.

Some valuable information was gained from studying pandas in zoos in the past, but I doubt that they still need to be 'kept' to be of use to science. Far better to study them in their natural habitat, and to protect that habitat on their behalf.

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Q: Are zoos a good idea for pandas?
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How are zoos good for pandas?

protection and adequate food supply

Do all pandas live in zoos?

Yes, there are giant pandas in zoos. China loans its Pandas for 4 years and then they are returned.

Why do they want to keep pandas in zoos?

They keep pandas in zoos so no hunters can kill them

Can pandas be in zoos?

yes there is one in the china zoo. they can live in zoos

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Pandas are indigenous to China. The only Pandas in Australia are in Zoos.

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Pandas are not native to the UK. Any pandas that are in the UK are in zoos.

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Which contries in the world have pandas?

Pandas are native to South Central China. There are pandas all over the world in zoos.

Where pandas in the world?

Only wild pandas are in china but there are zoos all over the world that have them

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Most pandas live either in Mid-China or zoos.

How many pandas are in zoos?

As of December 2014, 49 giant pandas lived in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 different countries.

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0 i think