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Depends. If you want an against-fashion paper, then how about "Fashion is a dangerous behaviour, leading to self-destructing behaviors in many people." You know, talking about eating disorders and all that stuff.
Or, if you want it to be for fashion, then maybe "Fashion is a vital business; it keeps our economy floating, and gives way to many opportunities in the world." You could even say..."Fashion is a needed business because it is a good means of self-expression, but is also behaviourally influencing."
About the culture of clothes: "Fashion is a growing and everchanging world, with impacts on many parts of society." Go into eating disorders, psychological influence (like this kind of suit exudes power.) You may even want to delve into the world of it's impact on your girls and body image. Or just talk about how clothes are a stereotype in many areas, and are not even affected with poor countires, whereas in large metro areas, fashion is booming.
Clothing expression: well, it is a form of expression. Delve into why, talk about how some things make one think that, or etc.
Fashion trends: the comeback of many trends, the proposed cycle of styles, how clothing urges young people to become selfconcious at an early age...or etc. Elaborate, okay? Or take it into a completely different direction.
Whatever. Hope this helped! It just really depends on what you're looking for.

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Q: Argumentative paper about fashion and identity something about the fashion trend clothing expression and or culture of clothes What should the main claim be?
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