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We need to be worried as it causes UV to come it. And as we know UV is very dangerous.

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Q: Arguments for do you need to be worried about the hole in the ozone layer?
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Arguments for do you need to be worried about the hole in the ozone layer.?

You need to be worried. It is because ozone hole could cause fatal UV to enter the earth.

Why are people worried about a hole in the ozone layer?

People are worried about ozone layer as this layer protects us from harmful UV radiations of the sun. If it was not there, it would not have been possible for us to survive.

Why are people wworried about a hole in the ozone layer?

People are worried about a hole in the ozone layer because ozone acts as a shield to earth. I protects us from the harmful ultraviolet radiations of the sun.

Hole in UV layer?

There is no hole in UV but in ozone layer. And the hole in ozone layer is actually the thinning of the layer.

In 1985 a hole in the ...was discovered over Antarctica.?

yes, and it was the "antarctic ozone hole"ozone layer

How do you mend the hole in the ozone layer?

See "Can the hole in the Ozone layer be fixed?"

Why is threre a hole in the ozone layer?

The hole in ozone layer is the thinning of layer of ozone. It is because of the CFC's released by humans.

What is the term ozone hole?

a hole in the ozone layer.

Ozone layer hole?

Ozone layer hole is the low concentration of ozone. It is present in both hemisphere.

What is meant by the hole int the ozone layer?

The thinning of ozone layer is ozone hole. It is caused by ODS.

What is meant by the hole in the ozone layer what role does CFCs have in it?

The thinning of ozone layer is called as ozone hole. CFC's are the ones that create the ozone hole.

Which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone hole phenomenon found?

The ozone hole is found in the same layer as ozone layer. It is found in stratosphere.