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The arrangement in increasing order of effective nuclear charge is: K < Mg < P < Rh. This order is based on the increasing nuclear charge as we move from left to right across the Periodic Table. In this case, potassium (K) has the lowest effective nuclear charge due to its lower atomic number and distance of the electron from the nucleus, while rhodium (Rh) has the highest effective nuclear charge as a result of its higher atomic number and greater nuclear attraction on the outermost electron.

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Q: Arrange the atoms icreasing order effective nuclear charge by the electron n3 electron shell K Mg P Rh Tithe explain basis for your order?
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How does the VSEPR theory explain molecular shape?

Electron pairs repelling each other push atoms apart.

Are there any limitations of Chadwick's atomic model?

Yes, Chadwick's atomic model did not fully explain the properties of the electron cloud or electron behavior within an atom. It also did not delve into the concept of electron energy levels and their relationship to atomic spectra.

Why is the electronegativity of nonmetal higher than metal?

Nonmetals have higher electronegativity than metals because nonmetals have a higher tendency to attract electrons due to their higher effective nuclear charge and smaller atomic radii. This makes nonmetals more electronegative, whereas metals have lower electronegativity because they have a lower tendency to attract electrons and instead prefer to lose electrons to form positive ions.

Is the periodic table is most easily understood in terms of the electron configurations of the elements?

Yes, understanding the electron configurations of elements can help explain the arrangement of elements on the periodic table. Electron configurations determine an element's chemical properties, reactivity, and position within the table. The periodic table is organized based on recurring patterns in electron configurations, such as the filling of energy levels and sublevels.

An electron model is a good approximation of?

An electron model is a good approximation of the behavior of electrons in certain macroscopic phenomena, such as electricity and magnetism. It helps to explain how electrons move in a circuit or interact with magnetic fields. However, in more complex quantum phenomena, the electron model may not accurately represent the behavior of electrons.

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Explain the difference between a light scanning and electron microscope?

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