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Either nuclear energy from some on-board reactor, thermopile or solar Cells

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Q: Artificial satellite has many electric devices in themFrom where does the energy come from?
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any poetic devices in the poem how things work?

with electric

Where in the Torah does it say you cant use electric devices on the Sabbath?

Electric devices are not mentioned in the Torah, but it's part of the 39 prohibited tasks.

Do motors have batteries?

No, electric motors do not have batteries.Most electric motors are powered from the AC power grid.Power tools and other portable devices using electric motors have batteries, but the electric motors in the tools and devices do not themselves have batteries.

What do satellite images show?

A satellite map shows if its gonna rain or something like that

Could android devices be controlled by artificial intelligence?

Oh yes...they ARE AI!

Camera used in satellite's?

These would be charged coupled devices, or CCDs.

What devices use static electric charges?

my dick!

Used to see stars and planets?

Our eyes. Often augmented through the use of artificial devices such as cameras, telescopes, and charge-coupled devices.

What devices are used to detect Tropical Storms?

you would use a weather satellite or doppler radar.

What devices that are related to meteorology?

weather balloons, Doppler radar, and satellite imaging are some examples

What brands of satellite navigation devices offer speed camera detectors?

Snooper, Pogo, Cobra, and Whistler, among others, offer speed camera detectors along with satellite navigation. There are limitations to this detection, and none of these devices will detect every speed camera.

How does a satellite dish connect to a computer?

A satellite dish is designed to connect to a satellite receiver unit. Generally they are dedicated devices. There are a few satellite receiver cards or devices that can be installed into a computer and will operate as a video input card for the computer. These are specialist devices and will not be found as a standard feature on any computer. Normally, to capture a video feed, the output form a dedicated satellite receiver would be connected to a video input port on the computer. Again, the video input is a specialist device typically used in video editing and not usually found as part of a standard computer set up.