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Q: Artificially stimulating antibodies to a disease is called?
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Heart disease caused by antibodies to streptococci is called?

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When the immune system produces antibodies which destroy acetylcholine receptors this disease is called?

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What Immunity results when antibodies produced in another animal are introduced into your body?

This is called artificially acquired passive immunity. See link below:

What is it called when you are protected from a disease even when exposed to it?

Most commonly, immunity: "a state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion." (Wikipedia). Immunity is naturally acquired (via exposure or maternally-transferred antibodies in utero) or artificially required through the use of vaccines.

What is injecting antibodies from an animal to help prevent a disease from occurring in a human called?


Which cells are important in preventing a disease from recurring?

White blood cells produce antibodies to diseases. The antibodies enter the bloodstream and prevent a specific disease from recurring. One type of white blood cells, called B cells, manufacture and release the antibodies. Another type, called T cells, does the job of penetrating the infected cells so that the antibodies can do their work.

What are the causes of myositis?

Myositis is thought to be an autoimmune disease. The body normally fights infections and disease by producing antibodies and white blood cells called lymphocytes in a process called the immune response. In an autoimmune disease.

In what two ways can a person become immune to an infectious disease?

After a person has had a disease, the lymphocytes remain to produce more antibodies for that pathogen if the disease is encountered again. This is called IMMUNITY.

What is the immunity that results when one contracts a disease and then the antibodies develope is called passiveactive immunity and the process is naturalartificial?


Is it true that the immunity your body develops to protect you from disease is called passive immunity?

No, that is temporary immunity received from another person or from antibodies.

Is too much antibodies in body serious?

yes it is extremely dangerous i forget what disease it is called but they have so many antibodies just moving around doing nothing that they eventually attack your own vital body systems