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oil for sure! go PCHS! haha

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Q: Artists during the Renaissance began experimenting for the first time with what new type of paint?
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magnify glass
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Is true about artists during the Renaissance?

Artists began to shift their focus from religion to science and philosophy

Who did the artists work for during the Renaissance?

Artists began to shift their focus from religion to science and philosophy

What is true about artists during the renaissance?

Artists began to shift their focus from religion to science and philosophy

During the renaissance artists began concerning themselves with?

scientific explanation

What is true about artist during renaissance?

Artists began to shift their focus from religion to science and philosophy

What is the relationship between artists and patrons during the Renaissance?

During the renaissance, patrons commissioned many different works of art for many different reasons, be it political propaganda or something similar. The relationship between patrons and artists was clear; the patrons held all the power, decided what was to be painted, in what style and by what date. However, as the renaissance moved through into later periods, artists gained more prestige and began to go against their patrons. Famous artists began to paint what they wanted, disregarding their patron's instructions. Overall, for most of the renaissance, patrons were well above artists in the relationship although this power balance shifted slightly later on.

What techniques were introduced in painting and sculpture during the Renaissance?

Artists began using perspective, depth, and proportion to make their art appear more realistic.

When did renaissance art begin?

Renaissance art began during the Renaissance period. The Renaissance art period began in 1150 and lasted until about 1600.

When did the Italian renaissance humanism start?

Humanism was a strong characteristic of the Renaissance which began in Italy early in the fifteenth century with artists like Brunelleschi and Donatello.

What was one way that the Renaissance artists reflected the new ideas of humanism was by painting?

Renaissance artists came away from painting austere religious icons and began to paint the people of the day. There was more of an emphasis on man than upon religion.

Did Columbus live during the Renaissance?

He was in 1492 and it began middle 1400's. So he was in the late Renaissance.

What was two reasons why the renaissance began in Florence?

Because of the many great artists, sculptors, goldsmiths, etc. there- such as Lorenzo Ghiberti