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Q: As a percentage howmuch of Afghanistan is ruled by the Taliban?
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What percent of Afghanistan was ruled by the Taliban?


What group ruled Afghanistan in the 1990s?

taliban ruled Afghanistan in 1990's and they had trolls under their bridges

What years did the Taliban rule in Afghanistan?


Who Taliban are?

The Taliban is a political group in the Middle East that is known for their extreme violence. In the past they have ruled in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

What is the name of the group that at one time ruled most of Afghanistan?

The Taliban was ruling Afghanistan for the majority of the 1990's and into early 2001. The ruling group before the Taliban was the Sikh's.

How did Taliban rule Afghanistan?

Mullah Omar ruled Afghanistan very justly. Unfortunately, the Taliban are extremists. They have distorted Islamic teachings of Love, Justice, human brotherhood, kindness, compassion and service to humanity.

When was the Taliban beginning to show signs of resurgence in Afghanistan?

The Taliban, a Muslim fundamentalist group, took control of Afghanistan's government in 1996 and ruled until the 2001 U.S.-led invasion drove it off from power.

What landlocked country is located between Iran and Pakistan and was ruled for more than two decades by the Taliban?


Where do talibans mostly live?

Taliban movements adherents are mostly found in Afghanistan, where they briefly ruled prior to 2001 American invasion. There is also significant Taliban presence in tribal Areas of western Pakistan.

What causes the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001?

In 2001, Afghanistan was ruled by the Taliban regime. The Taliban were good friends with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization, and let them hang out in their country. After the 9/11 attacks, the U.S. demanded that the Taliban hand over al-Qaeda's leaders. The Taliban naturally refused, so the U.S. invaded to remove the Taliban from power.

What are some of the reasons the US wants to remove the Taliban?

The Taliban is a specific political Islamist Party/Militant Organization. The Taliban held national control in Afghanistan and ruled it according to some of the most barbaric interpretations of Shari'a Law. The Taliban supported Al-Qaeda prior to 2001, giving them safe haven. They currently their efforts on removing the Northern Alliance government of Afghanistan and leading that country again.Since these views and aims are expressly against the US interests, which are to have an Afghanistan were organizations like al-Qaeda cannot breed, the US wants to remove the Taliban.

What role did the taliban play?

The Taliban have risen, fallen, and then risen again in the past 15 years. The Islamist movement rose to power in Afghanistan in the mid-1990s, ruled the country in the late 90s, and fell to the US-led invasion in 2001.