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Q: As a platelet plug forms platelets release the vasocontricting substance called?
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How do platelets help heal your wounds?

Platelets are irregularly-shaped, colorless forms that are available in blood. Their sticky surface lets them to form clots to stop bleeding. When bleeding from a wound starts, the platelets accumulate at the wound and try to block the blood stream. The calcium, vitamin K, & a protein called fibrinogen help the platelets to form coagulation. A clot starts to form when the blood is in contact with air. The platelets sense the existence of air and start to separate. They respond with the fibrinogen to start forming fibrin, which looks like fiber. The fibrin then starts to structure a web-like work that traps the platelets inside it. This cross section of platelets solidifies as it dries, shaping a coagulation, or "scab."

What is pdw mean in blood work?

platelet distribution width (PDW)an indication of variation in platelet size which can be a sign of active platelet release.

Why does an animal have platelets?

An animal has platelets because when they get a wound the platelets rush to the area and they release fibres that stop the blood from escaping the body.

What is platelets and what is the function?

platelets is cell fragments! the function is to release proteins to help blood to clot! :)

What is required to help clot blood?

Platelets (thrombocytes) are not complete cells. Rather, they are fragments of giant cells present only in bone marrow. when a blood vessel is damaged, platelets form a plug that seals the vessel, and injured tissues release molecules that help the clotting process.

Do platelets cause blood to clot or prevent blood to clot?

It release an Enzyme that changes fibrinogen ( a liquefied fibre ) in to fibrin ( a solid Fibre )

Do platelets release serotonin?

No, the serotonin is collected and stored by platelets but not released by them. Serotonin is secreted by Enterochromaffin cells.

Can you donate platelets if you use marijuana?

it can inhibit the release of platelets in your body...but im not sure if you could or not donate

What is a test for platelet plug formation is?

when the endothelium of blood vessels get ruptured due to any reason(such as trauma) revealing the subendothelial layer, the platelets swing into action quickly to minimize blood loss so as to maintain homeostasis.first of all they release certain biomolecules such as serotonin so as to cause vasoconstriction.simultaneously they on coming in contact with certain proteins of the subendothelial layer release certain biomolecules that attract more and more platelets to the site of injury forming a plug so as to minimize the blood loss.this aggregated form of platlrts is called platelet plug or sometimes called the white clot.this step is the primary one in initiating clotting of blood.

How would you describe how a blood clot forms?

when one has a cut. more blood is pumped towards that area and with in that blood there clotting factors such as factor 8 and platelet's. At the site of the cut a thin mesh is formed by fibrinogen this traps platelets forming a cover called a clot this later turns into a scald

What is the job of platelets in our body?

Platelets contain clotting factors that cause them to stick together, which stops bleeding from an opened blood vessel by solidifying the blood (hemostasis). Platelets also carry the growth factors (PDGF) that stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, which is called angiogenesis.

These release substances that start the process of blood clotting?
