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Talk to your Dr before taking any type of medication while you are pregnant. All it takes is a phone call to your office.

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Q: Aspirin while pregnant
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Related questions

Can you take any kind of aspirin while pregnant?

According to my Obstetrician you can take Tylenol or Ibuprophen while pregnant.

Can you eat junior aspirin while pregnant?

Seek an alternative, there are several pain relief products that are available... Just ask your Dr.

What kind of medication is good for one who has had unprotected sex?

Aspirin for your headache while you sit there and worry if you have an STD or gotten someone pregnant.

What types of prescriptions should never be used while pregnant?

Aspirin, antihistamines, accutane, and some blood pressure medicines. There are more. You should check with your doctor before taking any over the counter medicines or perscriptions while pregnant :)

How safe is aspirin in pregnancy?

NO NO NO Please do not take aspirin while you are pregnant. Take Tylenol or even extra stregnth Tylenol.AnswerAsprin and all pain killers can cause birth defects. See your doctor for a pregnancy pain killer.

Can you take iburprofen while pregnant?

You should not take NSAIDs like ibuprofen, aspirin, excederin, etc while pregnant. Some may say just not to take it during the third trimester of pregnancy but I always ask patients "why risk it?". Take tylenol (acetaminophen) instead. -Pharmacist

Can you take ibuprofen on a daily basis while being 22 weeks pregnant?

NO! It is never ok to take ibuprofen or aspirin while pregnant. It can cause poor fetal heart development and miscarriage. Opt for a safer alternative such as acetaminophen (Tylenol); its less invasive and much better for you and your baby if used in moderation.Unless prescribed by your doctor, aspirin and ibuprofen are not recommended in pregnancy as they thin the blood and make bleeding a risk for mother and baby.

Will taking a goody headache powder while 3 months pregnant harm the baby?

From what I understand, Goody's contains Aspirin, as well as caffeine and acetaminophen. Aspirin is best avoided during pregnancy; acetaminophen (ie: tylenol) seems to be the best pain relief choice when you're pregnant. I've found small amounts of caffeine help my headaches too, just keep an eye on how much you're intaking (less than 200ml/day when pregnant).

Does Excedrin effect you before conception?

The ingredients in Excedrin are acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. The former two are routinely prescribed to pregnant women, while opinions vary on what doses of caffeine are safe for pregnant women; taking Excedrin before conceiving should not affect future pregnancies.

Can you get a tattoo while on baby aspirin?

I want to get a tattoo and I am on 81 mg of aspirin. Is it OK to get one and won't start bleeding?

Can you have electrotherapy while pregnant?

can you have electrotherapy while pregnant?

You bought a pain releaver from a dollar store such as dollar general or family dollar is it safe for you to take non aspirin pain reliever while you are pregnant?

Yes, this is safe as long as you follow directions and do not take in excess.