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Baby penguins leave protection of their mothers at rather young ages. In early life they are often kept close to their mothers tummies for maximum warmth.

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Q: At what age do baby penguins leave the protection of their mother and explore on their own?
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Related questions

How old penguins have to be to leave there mother?

10 to 12 weeks

How long do penguins stay mother?

Penguins stay with there mother from 1day old to 1 year old

Do baby penguins hatch in July?

penguins leave their home when they are grown up.

Do penguins leave their babies when they are young?

with the fathers

What age do penguins mate?

they mate when their parents leave them.

How do penguins react if they get separated from their colony?

when penguins leave their colony they start feeling like...........SOMEONE IS GONNA EAT THEM!

What are two problems the penguins face in antarctica?

there chick can leave

How do penguins find their food?

penguins fathersdon't eat up to 125 days. While the female penguins march 70 miles to get food to come back and feed their signet back at the nesting ground. After that the male penguins leave and go to the seas to get their food. but did you know while the signets are waiting for their food that if they don't eat they could die, of course you did but i bet you didn't know that the father penguins have a milky substance that they throw up basically to feed their young because the mother isn't there yet

Where do penguins raise their babies?

under their blubber and then leave them about 2 months later

When will the baby penguin survive on its own?

they leave their baby penguins when they hatch

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Jaguar cubs leave their mother at about 24 months.

How old are baby ants when they leave their mother?

They never leave their mother, their mother is the queen of the colony and they stay with that colony their entire life