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Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer to this question. Every woman is different. Progesterone and estrogen work in balance within a woman's body. It is important to work closely with your gynaecologist (preferably one who specializes in perimenopause and menopause - or PM&M as i call it), to determine what is best for your based on your blood work and symptoms.

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Q: At what stage in menopause it progesterone used?
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What are two hormones responsible for menstrual cycle and menopause?

Oestrogen and the progesterone are the two hormones that are responsible for the menstruation and the menopause. Menopause is marked by the absence of the two.

Two hormones secreted by the ovaries that are responsible for menstrual cycle and menopause are?

estrogen and progesterone.

Why are you spotting after your menopause and being on progesterone for two years?

Hi, This can be caused by a polyp in your uterus. See your doctor for a examination.

Can progesterone supplements heal menopause tell you thoughts please I'm thinking about Progesterone Replacement Therapy I set sight on National HRT clinic Florida did someone take treatments there?

Although man-made prescription progestins that only partly mimic nature come fraught with problems, not so with bio-identical, natural progesterone supplements. Natural progesterone can be taken orally or applied in a moisturizing skin cream, and can make menopause an easy life passage. And progesterone can help maintain sex drive and vaginal tissue health. Progesterone supplement skin creams can be bought OTC, or your doctor can prescribe one or an oral supplement.

How can menopause night sweats be relieved?

Night sweats are caused by the hormonal imbalance. Estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that fluctuate during menopause. Natural/herbal supplements are safe to balance them as they do not have side effects.

What does menopause do?

By the time a woman reaches her late 30s or 40s, her ovaries begin to produce less estrogen and progesterone and release eggs less often.

What is menapause?

The word "menopause" means the "end of monthly cycles" a Greek word pausis (cessation) and the root men- (month), because the word "menopause" was created to describe this change in human females, where the end of fertility is traditionally indicated by the permanent stopping of monthly menstruation or menses. Natural menopause occurs when the ovaries naturally begin decreasing their production of the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone. Menopause is not a disease that needs to be cured, but a natural life-stage transition. Menopause signals the end of fertility. It generally occurs between age of 45-55.

What are oral progesterone drops used for?

There may be a variety of uses, but progesterone drops are typically used as a supplement to balance estrogen if a woman's body is progesterone deficient. In some instances, progesterone may be used to bring on a period in women who aren't having regular cycles.

What age must a woman stop having children?

women at their stage of menopause stpo bearing child menopause comes at the age aroung 38-40 by anurag.a

What kinds of hormone treatments are there for the symptoms of menopause?

hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). HRT is the administration of estrogen and progesterone; ERT is the administration of estrogen alone.

What does postmenopauseal mean?

It means symptoms right before you get menopause and they could last awhile before you begin menopause. Post means 'after', so post menopausal means following the menopause or the stage of life following the cessation of monthly periods for one year.