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It is not NECESSARY to do an ultrasound at all, they have only been done for the last 25 years or so and women were having babies for thousands of years before them. Having said that..... If you are unsure of your dates or you have bleeding you may have an ultrasound for dating and to check you are not miscarrying at 6-7 weeks. There are blood tests done for genetic abnormalities and a test for Downs syndrome where the scan is done at 12-13 weeks. (this would be the 3 month scan) If everything is normal and you are not having these tests most women have a scan at 18-20 weeks as at this stage the baby is fully formed and all its systems can be checked. (This would be the 5 month scan). There are no guarantees that the scan will pick up ALL abnormalities as some just cannot be seen on a scan. You do not have to have a scan at all if you don't want to it is totally up to you if and when you have it.

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Q: At which month is it necessary to do an ultrasound scan because some doctors say 3 months and some say 5 months?
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