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Q: Auto Technician A says the total volume of all the cylinders in an engine is called the compression ratio Auto Technician B says horsepower is a measure of the amount of twisting force created by an?
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How much horsepower is 4.50 torque?

Torque is "twisting power" whereas horsepower is motivational. They do not directly translate. Had to guess it is between 4HP and 6HP. Sorry but precision is no available!

What is torsion links on landing gear system?

Torsion links are alloy frames which couple the inner and outer cylinders of a landing gear strut together. They prevent the torsional or 'twisting' motion of the strut on landing and also alow controlled compression of the gear piston once the full body weight of the aircraft has been applied.

Describe possible damage to the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system due to whiplash?

The damage involves compression injures in which pressure, twisting or stretching is applied to nervous tissues. In severe cases, compression injuries can affect the brain resulting in hematomas.

Why are reinforcements needed for concrete?

Concrete (like stone) is very strong in compression but breaks almost instantly in tension. It is also weak in response to side forces and twisting forces. Steel bars are very strong in tension but crumple and fold instantly in compression. By putting steel reinforcement bars in concrete and pretensioning the bars before the concrete hardens creates a composite material that is strong in both compression and tension (with each material supporting the other) and also improves the response to side forces and twisting forces.

What is the cylinder compression in foot pounds in a 1340 harley Davidson evolution engine?

Compression is normally expressed in terms of pounds per square inch (PSI),...foot lbs would relate to twisting forces such as a spinning crank shaft. Two different animals.

What is torque i?

TORQUE is a measurment of how strong the engine is,horsepower is how quickly the engine makes power,for example,if you were wanting a fast car for racing you would want more horsepower,but if you were wanting to tow a heavy load,you would need more torque. torque means twisting effort.

What is a sentence for the word twisting?

The canopy is twisting!

What is the twisting of ligaments at joint?

twisting of ligaments at joints

What is twisting of ligaments at joint?

twisting of ligaments at joints

What are 5 the different forces acting on structures?

1. Tension (pulling force) 2. Compression (pushing force) 3. Shear (cutting force) 4. Torsion (twisting force) 5. Bending (combination of (tension and compression) 6. Gravity ( it's always acting onstructures and things 24/7- it pulls things down to the ground/ Earth).

What is the action of twisting and turning your body called?

the action of twisting and turning the body is gymnastics

How the bone matrix handles compression and twisting forces?

Complicatedly, but essentially the fibrous bone matrix acts as a type III compound truss made up of 3d space trusses. Depending on the unique loading condition, different microscopic bone elements will act as two-force members and take tension or compression so that the force is distributed across the entire bone structure.