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Bennett Bode

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Reflexes, such as when you hammer your knee.

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Q: Automatic action that does not involve the brain?
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Compare and contrast instincts and reflexes in animals?

An instinct is a complex pattern of innate behavior.A reflex is an automatic response that does not involve a message from the brain

What part of brain controls posture?

Action potential in the brain

What is reflex and complex behavior in animal systems?

reflex action is that immediate response to the external stimuli which is provided for the spinal cord itself and not the brain and further the complex action is taken by brain by further thinking upon the matter

Why do humans yawn?

Usually, we yawn when we are tired or bored and probably breathing slowly and not very deeply. Then the brain's automatic control of breathing will trigger a deep breath. This is what we call a yawn. This automatic control works from a spot in the base of the brain. Its job is to keep checking on the carbon dioxide in the blood. When there is too much carbon dioxide, the control speeds up our breathing to help take away the carbon dioxide. It may seem strange to think that our breathing is controlled automatically. We can think about our breathing and decide to breathe rapidly or slowly. But most of the time we do not think about how to breathe, and the automatic control does the job.

How the brain processes messages through the neuron?

senses- spine- reflex action... that is the reflex action, when a sense organ brings messages until our spine and the spine does it. these are for small actions such as jumping, moving your hand out of pain and other physical related activities. senses- spine- brain stem- brain- analyze- action... i don't know how this is called but this for mental related activities such as deciding, thinking etc... from the sense organs, messages are brought to our spine... and smaller, t our nerves... a sort of electricity ba yun is formed when it passes on the synapse, till it reaches the brain. the message goes and analyze where should it go, sa cerebrum ba o cerebellum. then the message is analyzed and travels back to the designated muscles, of course, to react... that was a long time of explanation but that happens faster than the wink of our eye... mystery, ae?

Related questions

What is a automatic action that does not involve the brain?

Reflex actions are sudden responses, which do not involve any thinking.

What term describes a quick spontaneous automatic response to a stimulus that does not involve thinking about it?

The term reflex or phrase reflex action describes a quick spontaneous automatic response to a stimulus that does not involve thinking about it. It is controlled through the brain, but does not require thought.

What does the reflex action involve?


How is a reflex action different from a normal response to a stimulus?

It doesn't need to involve the brain.

Why is a spinal reflex more rapid than a voluntary movement?

AnswerBecause a reflex action is automatic and does not involve a thought process.Edit: A reflex action only has to go to the spinal cord and then back to the limb, whereas a voluntary reaction has to go to the brain to be processed and therefore takes longer.

Compare and contrast instincts and reflexes in animals?

An instinct is a complex pattern of innate behavior.A reflex is an automatic response that does not involve a message from the brain

Why do more complex reflexs have slower response times?

Reflexes are automatic, involuntary responses or impulses. Most reflexes do not involve the brain, however, more complex reflexes have to involve the brain in order to process the reflexes. An example of this would be blinking the eye. This is a complex reflex and it must involve the brain. Also, you must take in the place the reason why reflexes do not involve the brain: because it could cause serious damage to the body. Complex reflexes will not cause serious damage if it uses to brain to produce the impulse.

What are the differences between voluntary actions and reflex actions?

Voluntary actions are consciously controlled movements initiated by the brain, while reflex actions are automatic responses to stimuli that do not require conscious thought. Voluntary actions involve higher brain functions and can be modified based on individual intent, while reflex actions are typically quick, involuntary responses for immediate protection or survival.

What is an illness that has a psychological cause and does not involve brain damage?

An illness that has a psychological cause and does not involve brain damage is Psychosis.

Which rifle action is self-loading. bolt-action b.pump-action c.semi-automatic d.break-acti?

Semi automatic. The rest are manual loading.

What part of the brain controls simple reflexes that do not involve the brain?

spinal cord

What organization involve?

heart lungs brain