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Occasionally a person will be missing the RhD antigen that is normally found in type B negative blood. This is a rare but harmless event and is not symptomatic of any other propensity for illness.

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Q: B Negative Blood is missing the RHD Antigen Do You Know what that means?
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What is an A negative blood type?

Negative means the absence of a certain antigen in the blood stream, and positive is the opposite. It affects which blood you can have donated to you.

What is DU negative factor in blood?

Rh blood type is determined by the presence or absence of the D antigen. People who are Rh positive have the D antigen and those that are Rh negative lack this. Some people have a variant of the D antigen, called Du. Presence of Du antigen causes lab results to report the blood type as Rh negative, although the patient behaves as an Rh positive would. Du negative means a "true Rh negative" result.

What is O Rh negative blood type?

Being type O means you have both A and B antibodies. Being RH negative means you don't have the antigen substance on your red blood cell like most people do.

In Blood type O what does selectogen negative mean?

Selectogen negative means that the blood has been tested for the presence of unknown antibodies to a panel of diverse human blood antigen groups and found to have none. That is a good thing.

What happens if you receive a negative instead of a positive blood?

it means you are a universal donor but you are always at a risk because o negative is very rare you have to be careful every time because in case of injury in which you need blood transfusion due to rareness of o negative your life is always at risk. Unfortunately i am also O negative.

What is type o positive blood?

O Positive is the most common blood type and it has no molecules on the red blood cell surface which means people with Type O universal blood donors. Positive means that your blood contains what is called a RhD antigen. Type O was the first blood type discovered. It is believed it can make you more likely to get ulcers or have thyroid problems.

What is the difference between negative and positive blood types?

Negative and Positive blood types refer to the presence of the Rhesus D (RhD) antigen. Rhesus is the second main blood group typing after the A,B,O system. e.g. AB+ means the blood cells have A and B and RhD antigens present on the blood cell surface. O- means that A and B and RhD antigens are not present on the surface of the blood cell.

How can a o negative father and a b negative mother have a b positive baby?

nope..well first two negatives cannot make a positive because the RH factor (or the D antigen) on the red blood cells that gives you the + or - blood type is genetically inherited. This means that if neither parent has the D antigen they cant pass it onto their children .

What is the difference between the Bombay blood group and the o negative group?

The Oh negative blood group is the same as the Bombay blood group. The Oh negative group should not be confused with the type O blood group. The Bombay blood group is very rare and results from two recessive H alleles (hh). This means that they cannot produce the "H" antigen, and as a result, they can't produce "A" or "B" antigen on their red blood cells. They can give blood to individuals of any other blood type but can only receive blood from other Bombay blood type individuals.

Wanted to know the blood type rh negative?

rh negative is not a unique blood type. Rather, it means that the blood is missing the Rh factor that those with Rh positive blood. This is denotated by the word "positive" or "negative" that is said as part of the blood type, after the letter type, A, B, AB, or O.

What kind of antibodies are found in 0 negative blood?

Type O negative blood has antibodies against both A and B type blood. This means that you can give blood to any type of blood (A, B, O) but can only receive your exact blood type. Type O negative is one of the most rare types, and is known as the "universal donor".

What does blood type A positive mean?

Type A blood means that on the outer cell membrane there is an antigen that identifies the cell as being "Type A". If you have "positive" blood, this means you have tested positive for the Rh factor, and there is an antigen identifying the Rh factor on the outer cell membrane. If you are Rh negative, there is no antigen on the outer membrane. The ABO and Rh blood types are just 2 of the 32 blood-type components of the red blood cell.