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Q: Backbones are made up of many or two bones?
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What is a sliding joint?

an example could be by the spine. Sliding joints occur between the bones in your backbones in your backbone. (These bones are called vertebrae.) In these joints the flat surfaces of two bones slide over each other and cause side-to-side and back-and-forth movement.

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How many long bones in stifle joint?

There are two long bones in the stifle joint. The stifle joint is made up of the femur, tibia and patella. The femur and tibia are long bones, and the patella is a sesamoid.

What has two backbones and a thousand ribs?


Which two bones of the vertebral column are made of multiple bones fused together?

Sacrum, and Coccyx

How many illium bones are there?

There are two ilium bones in the human body.

How many bones in other fingers?

there are two bones in other fingers

DNA is an example of what?

DNA consists of two long polymers of simple units called nucleotides, with backbones made of sugars and phosphate.

How many bones do you have in us?

There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. The bones are divided into two parts. 80 bones in the axial skeleton which are the bones in the center of the body. Like the ribs, the skull and the spine. And 126 bones in the appendicular skeleton. Which is made up of the limbs. Like arm, finger, leg, and foot bones.

How many sugar phosphate backbones does a double helix have?

It has two, the reason being is that it has to form into the famous "twisting" pose.

How many bones are in you lower leg?


How many bones are in the child's foot?

twenty two bones are in a child's foot!!